/ / The virus blocks the Internet: manual treatment

The virus blocks the Internet: manual treatment

Среди множества вирусов, притаившихся на expanses of the World Wide Web, there is one particularly dangerous and unpleasant type. This is the so-called "SMS-virus" or a virus blocking the Internet. Currently, it is difficult to find a user who has never met with him and was not tormented later with consequences. By the way, newcomers in the worldwide network face such a threat much more often. First of all, because they do not know how to properly protect your computer from harmful interference. They visit dangerous pages from a computer that does not have the proper firewall and antivirus. As a result, a malicious program penetrates into the system. The virus blocks the Internet, and sometimes access to the computer itself.

Pest features and appearance

Usually the result of a malicious programbecomes a banner that covers most of the screen. The content of them, although different in details, is, in fact, reduced to a single goal: to force the user to send a message to the number indicated below. Having it is a hallmark of this type of malware. Moreover, other functions of the browser / computer for the duration of the banner action become unavailable. It will not help the combination to invoke the task manager, which often helped out in the past. The developers of the virus have foreseen a lot.

To complicate the task as much as possibletreatment of the computer from such misfortune, the virus blocks access to the Internet. Antivirus programs do not start, often even booting the OS in safe mode does not help. The only salvation remains scanning the computer with an antivirus from an external media. But this method also often refuses. So what do users do if the virus blocks the Internet? Despite the complexity of the task, there are still several effective options for dealing with malicious banners.

A little bit about prevention

Any computer user should know thatit is much easier to prevent trouble than to guess how to get rid of it. Therefore, for the sake of precaution and common sense, it is not recommended to download obscure programs from unknown manufacturers. The virus can hide under anything. Serials, cracked games, hacked software. Drivers, codecs - on sites where it is impossible to view the video. Or the video itself with a strange extension, such as ".avi.exe". That in itself does not bode well for anything, since it potentially looks like a virus. The irony is that users download the future banner voluntarily, taking it as a useful file. That is why such programs are called Trojan programs.

The virus blocks the Internet: treatment

It makes changes to the operating system registry.As a result, the work and security functions of Windows are disrupted. The malicious program is stored in a separate file, usually in user directories. You can try typing a combination of win + U buttons on the keyboard and selecting a magnifying glass. Then it will be possible to go to the official site, thus obtaining Internet access. If it does not help, that is still all known five-fold shift to enable the sticking function. In the opened window there will be a link to the same special features, and then a magnifying glass.

If this is the way the user managed to getaccess to the World Wide Web, it remains only to go to the site of one of the manufacturers of antivirus programs. On the page of any major developer there is necessarily information on malicious banners (take at least Kaspersky or Nod). There are described ways to get rid of the problem - usually the code for unlocking, which should be entered in the window.

What to do if the virus blocks the Internetstill, and the above did not help? You should try to get to the registry. The quickest way to do this is to start the Task Manager. If it is locked, pressing ctrl + alt + del will help. Keeping them long enough, you will see a dispatcher flashing on the screen. To start working in it, you will need another person holding these buttons. Next, you need to go to the tab of running processes and try to find a virus there. After which everything is finished. But the malicious program will still work the next time you turn on the computer.

To permanently remove the virus blockingInternet, the user must restore the changes made to him in the registry. In the File section, create a new task and type regedit. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows NT / Current Version / Winlogon / is the branch you need to reach. The window on the right will have several names. Among them is the Shell parameter. Run it, check the content. Here everything is extremely simple, since the only record should be "explorer.exe". The rest must necessarily be deleted. In addition to the above parameter, it is recommended to check Userinit. This parameter should not contain anything extra after "userinit.exe".

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