/ / First Aid Computer: We Cure Trojan Virus

First Aid Computer: We Cure Trojan Virus

Every day we visit dozens of sites,we check email several times a day, chat on ICQ and download megabytes, if not gigabytes, of information from download sites. At the same time, we absolutely do not think that together with the program we really need, we catch the so-called viruses. Most often, the problem of "infection" of a computer is faced by novice users, so this article will be especially interesting and useful for them. And we will talk today about a computer virus, which is not a virus at all. "Troyan" is a remote administration system, that is, a program hidden from the user's eyes and executing commands from its creator.

Trojan virus

Probably many now wonderedwhy the "trojan" does not apply to viruses. Everything is very simple. The principle of computer viruses is similar to biological ones. Their only difference is that biological cells affect the body, and virtual - system files. Simply put, it is capable of reproducing itself and has destructive functions. This is what the term "virus" refers to. The "trojan" is deprived of the "ability" to multiply, infecting the rest of the files. However, the people decided to attribute the Trojan to viruses.

So, we figured out what it is and how a Trojan virus penetrates a computer. What does this pest do to our system? How to deal with it?

Trojan virus making

Speaking about the first question, it will be fairmention why the Trojan virus is called so and nothing else. The name is closely related to the legend of the Trojan Horse, with the advent of which the turning point in the battle for Helen the Beautiful came. If you remember, the huge wooden horse was a harmless gift to the Trojan prince, but as soon as the gates of Troy opened, the main troops of Sparta, having got out of their horse, attacked the fortress.

It also happens in the computer world withTrojan programs. We download them under the guise of completely innocuous programs, but as soon as they are launched, the Trojan begins to "spy" on us: steals passwords, sends spam, steals files, formats disks, etc.

Despite all this, understand that yourThe Trojan virus is installed on your computer. For this it is better to use specialized programs. They can both cure the Trojan virus and block the installation of this seemingly harmless program at all.

how to cure trojan virus

На сегодняшний день наиболее надёжными признаны Russian antiviruses - Dr.Web and Kaspersky Anti-Virus. They do not stand on ceremony with the "Trojans". This is not surprising, because we remember that a "trojan" is completely malware, so there is nothing to be treated there. As a rule, antiviruses terminate the processes launched by the Trojan program and delete their files from the hard disk.

On average, antiviruses are updated 3-4 timesday, and sometimes more. But this does not mean that you will have to constantly sit on the site of the developer and wait for these updates. Modern anti-virus databases are updated automatically with an active Internet connection. All that remains for you to do is to check your computer for spyware at least once a week and enjoy your work!

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