/ / Four ways to replace point with comma in Excel

Four ways to replace point by comma in Excel

Профессионально работающие в "Эксель" люди often face the need to replace the comma (,) with a period (.). Most often this is due to the editing of English-language localization files, since abroad a single standard implies the use of decimal numbers as a decimal separator, while we have a comma. Conversely, to separate the discharge using a comma, and we have a period. In this article, we will talk about how to use Excel to replace the full stop with a comma using special tools so that this process takes as little time as possible.

how in excel to replace a point with a comma

The first way: "Find and replace"

В первом способе мы будем использовать инструмент titled "Find and Replace". But before you replace Excel with a comma in this way in Excel, you should say that it is completely unsuitable for formulas, since all values ​​in the table will be converted to text format. So let's get started:

  1. First you need to convert the format of cells into text. To do this, select the desired area, right-click and in the menu click on "Format cells".
  2. In the window that appears, while on the "Number" tab, select "Text" and click on "OK."
  3. After changing the cell format, you can proceed to replace. To do this, on the main tab, click on the "Find and highlight" button and select "Replace" in the drop-down list.
  4. In the window that appears, in the "Find" field, enter a period, and in the "Replace with" field, enter a comma.
  5. Click the Replace All button.

replace comma with excel point vba

This was the first way in Excel to replace a period with a comma. But perhaps it will not suit you, so go to the second.

The second way: formulas

Сейчас мы разберемся, как с помощью формулы replace the comma with a point in excel. Its essence lies in the fact that with the help of a special operator we will convert the data in other cells, and then transfer them to the required range:

  1. Click on the cell that is located first next to those in which you need to make a replacement.
  2. Click on the button "Insert function".
  3. In the list we find the function "Substitute".
  4. Click on "OK".

Next, a function window will appear in which you need to enter all the necessary values:

  1. In the "Text" enter the first cell in which you want to replace.
  2. In the "Star_text" we enter a comma, taking it in quotes.
  3. In the "Nov_tekst" enter the point, also taking it in quotes.
  4. Click "OK".

Now, holding the LMB on the lower right corner of our selected cell, drag it to the end of the desired range. The entire area is filled with data with replaced dots. Now you need to do the following:

  1. Highlight changed values.
  2. Press CTRL + X.
  3. Select unchanged values.
  4. Click on PCM.
  5. Select the insertion parameter with the designation "123".

So we disassembled the second method, how in Excel to replace the full stop with a comma. Go to the third.

Third way: macro

Now you need to consider how you can replace the comma with a point in Excel using VBA. For this you need:

  1. Go to the "Developer" tab.
  2. Click on Visual Basic.
  3. In the window that appears, insert the text that will be listed under this list.
  4. Close a window.

replace comma with excel point formula

Now you can proceed to replace.

  1. Select the desired cells.
  2. Go to the "Developer" tab.
  3. Click the "Macros" button.
  4. In the window that appears, select the newly created macro.
  5. Click Run.

After this, the task, like replacing a dot with a comma in Excel, can be considered solved. We turn to the last - the fourth method.

Fourth way: settings

This method is suitable in cases when you need to make a replacement so that the formulas remain effective. It is executed as follows:

  1. Click the "File" button.
  2. Go to the "Options" menu.
  3. In the window that appears, go to the "Advanced" section.
  4. In the "Insert Options" menu, uncheck "Use system delimiters".
  5. In the "Separator of the whole and fractional part" substitute a comma for a period.
  6. Click on "OK".

After the done actions, all the formulas will be displayed by the program normally. And this article comes to an end. We hope that one of the proposed methods helped you to achieve the desired results.

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