/ / What is computer hardware

What is computer hardware

Computer hardware and software(Computer) is the basis by which the computer can perform the tasks assigned to it. In part, this is the electronic computer itself. Sometimes novice users ask a question about what is computer hardware? In fact, there is nothing complicated - the main problem in terms. A loud name is no better than a short one if the meaning behind the words is the same. So it happened in this case. So, instead of the term "computer hardware", one could use the more capacious word "components". After all, hardly anyone will come up with the idea to call the program a computer component. But once the first term has been established in the community, then let's get acquainted with what it means.

Perhaps, we begin with an explanatory example-analogy.Imagine a car. In sum, this is a complex design, consisting of a body, engine, auxiliary devices, fuel. Modern machines are becoming more intelligent, having learned to control the fuel level; "Follow" the work of the main nodes. But even now, this whole metal system is controlled by a living human driver. The direction of movement, the engine, the wheels - all obedient to his will. Will the car drive on its own, will it be able to make decisions? Hardly. In this example, the machine is the hardware of the computer. Accordingly, the software is all those programs that in a certain way control the operation of all the "iron" nodes. Returning to the analogy with the car, the application can be compared with a human driver. Of course, there are a number of reservations, for example, a person can go on foot, and a computer program without hardware will be a meaningless set of signs.

So, the hardware of the computer represents all the devices that make up the computer, as well as others, the design of which provides for their use with a PC.

Now in stores there are both stationary computers, soand portable (laptops). Despite the external differences, the principles of the components in them are the same. Therefore, we list what includes the hardware of the personal computer.

One of the main parts of the computer is the processor.The functions of this fairly large chip are the processing of digital data and the partial provision of the interaction of the other connected components. The main manufacturers of processors for desktop computers are the companies Intel and AMD.

The main board (motherboard, motherboard, mainboard,system), as the name implies, is the basis to which all internal and peripheral components are connected. In addition, it contains special microcircuits that control the operation of certain nodes. Previously, there were two of them on the motherboard, now one of them was fully integrated into the processor.

To store user information andThe hard drive is used to run the programs. Previously, this type of device used the magnetic principle of recording, but recently there was an alternative in the form of flash technology, which predicts great prospects in the future.

It also includes a CD-ROM drive,sound card, video adapter, memory. Also, as already mentioned, apart from internal components, external devices also belong to the hardware. So, mouse, keyboard, computer speakers, monitor, printer, scanner, etc. That is, all those devices that are designed to work as part of a computer system. It can be said otherwise: they can be seen, touched, repaired with a screwdriver, which is completely unthinkable for programs.

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