/ / How can I change the screen resolution in Windows?

How can I change the screen resolution in Windows?

Graphics settings on the computer, in particularthe resolution of the screen are one of the most important, since they allow not only to adjust the correct display of the content of the operating system or program interface, but also to ensure its normal perception by the human eye, which affects the convenience of working with a stationary computer monitor or built-in laptop screen. About how to change the screen resolution to "Windows", as well as configure some additional parameters, then we will go further. You can use several simple methods, taking into account the tools of the Windows operating systems themselves, utilities for setting up graphics adapters and third-party software, which in some sense is universal.

Preliminary theoretical information and recommendations

Before setting up the necessaryparameters, you should find out for yourself some important characteristics of monitors and built-in laptop screens. As a rule, depending on the diagonal of the screen, the recommended resolution values ​​are applied. Naturally, they are averaged, but suitable for most monitors, although some models can support non-standard values.

In particular, the recommended parameters for monitors and screens of different diagonals are as follows (in the ratio of diagonals and resolutions in points per inch).


  • 15 "- 1024 x 768;
  • 17 "- 1280 x 768;
  • 21 "- 1600 x 1200;
  • 24 "- 1920 x 1200.


  • 15.6 "- 1366 x 768.

It goes without saying that there may besome intermediate or non-standard values. But the best option is to install the resolution of operating systems, corresponding to the capabilities of the monitors themselves. Setting higher values ​​may cause the part of the working area to disappear from the screen, and too low settings can cause image distortion or even the appearance of fuzzy fonts.

How can I change the screen resolution directly on the monitor?

Now let's move directly to the installationnecessary parameters. First of all, we'll look at how to change the screen resolution for a stationary monitor without resorting to using the operating system tools or third-party software products.

Fixed monitor settings menu

As a rule, on any modern monitor you canfind a special button to call up the screen settings menu. In it, you just need to select the desired partition and try to increase or decrease the resolution by setting different modes until the optimal image is obtained.

How to change screen resolution in Windows 7?

As for the settings available in the operating systems themselves, in Windows 7 or 8, for example, you should use the PCM in the free space of the Desktop with the choice of the screen resolution item.

Set screen resolution in Windows 8

In the options window there will be an itemSet the resolution with a drop-down list of all supported or available modes that a stationary monitor or laptop screen can work with. If none of the selected modes is suitable, and the image on the screen still remains large, there appears to be a problem with the video card driver (it may not be installed, installed incorrectly, is outdated, etc.). Also note that some interface elements may also have a slightly larger size than expected when changing the resolution to a higher one. How can I change the screen resolution in this case? In this situation, it is advisable to experiment with changing the font size or the panels displayed on the screen. Perhaps, just their reduction and will give the expected effect.

Manage screen settings in Windows 10

Now let's see how to change the screen resolutionon the "Winds 10". When using the PCM on the "Desktop", the item of the screen parameters is selected. The recommended recommended resolution values ​​are displayed here. You can select a different mode, as usual, from the drop-down list.

Set screen resolution in Windows 10

As an additional tool, you canuse a link to the properties of the graphics adapter, after which it will be possible to view the brief characteristics of the device, and after clicking the appropriate button, display all the modes supported by the screen. This will not only indicate the resolution, but also the supported color depth, and the refresh rate of the screen (the higher it is, the better the image).

Change of resolution in games

If we talk about how to change the screen resolution in the game, everything is simple. In any game there is a configuration block responsible for video and graphics.

Screen settings in games

It is easy enough to choose the desired modes,After saving, the image will change. Do not try to set too high parameters. In the case of weak video cards, the game may start to slow down.

As for how to change the resolutionscreen, without going into the game, there may be several options. You can use the configuration file change settings, if any (usually in XML format). Equally simply, you can perform such actions and by using control utilities that are designed to work with the parameters of the graphics adapters themselves. It's even easier to use special utilities that allow you to optimize the video card for each particular game.

Using the Intel Graphics Control Utility

Finally, a few words about management utilitiesgraphic characteristics of video chips. To begin with, let's look at the option with built-in Intel HD cards, which belong to the Video-on-Board class. If there is no icon for the desired application in the system tray, you can call the configuration tool via PCM on the Desktop, selecting the graphic characteristics item, or use the Intel graphics and media section in the standard Control Panel.

Intel Graphics Configuration

After calling the utility, the desired mode is selecteddisplay parameters (it is best to immediately note the advanced one), after which a panel with all available characteristics will appear, which you can change at your discretion. In addition, you can individually perform color correction, set the desired power mode or even change the ratio between performance and quality in the section of three-dimensional graphics.

Video Card Settings

Now a few words about how to change the screen resolution if discrete video cards are installed in the computer system.

Configure the screen resolution in Catalyst

For graphic AMD accelerators, the use of the Catalyst utility, which has the maximum of available tools, is optimal.

NVIDIA Control Panel

In the case of NVIDIA cards, you can call up a special control panel, but in some situations, settings can be made in applications like PhysX.

Third-party programs and summaries

Finally, as a last option for setting the required screen resolution, you can also offer some universal development.

Caroll program

One of the most interesting and rather simple inuse of programs is the utility Caroll, in which you can rebuild absolutely all the parameters of the screen of a stationary monitor or laptop. For some reason, it is believed that this application is most suitable for monitors Samsung SyncMaster. This can be disagreed, because it works fine with other devices.

In general, if we are talking about the choice of the optimaltool, for discrete video cards it is better to use specialized utilities, which allow using even some hidden capabilities of chips. In all other cases, nothing will be wrong if you use standard Windows tools to configure the resolution (especially since they usually set the optimal parameters for the screens, not counting, of course, the refresh rate).

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