/ / How to use a home media server?

How to use a home media server?

Owners of modern digital gadgets -smartphones, tablets, and high-tech smart TVs can create a real media server at home with which you can access various types of multimedia content from different devices. How to use the opportunity in practice?

The principle of the home media server

What is a home media server?This is a system within which various devices that are networked — computers, televisions (if they have support for the corresponding functions), mobile gadgets and other modern devices — can interact and exchange multimedia content. Another remarkable technology that can be used through a home media server is IPTV. That is, having built the appropriate network infrastructure, the user will be able to organize something like a mini-television studio at home.

Media server

Как устроен домашний медиа-сервер?As a rule, its structure assumes the presence of a main module responsible for storing files and media data, access to which can be organized from devices united in a common network. Such, as a rule, is a PC or laptop. In hardware, they are used to host files and organize their sharing, in software - they provide the necessary functionality of the media server.

Features of DLNA standards

Media servers can be provided withengaging a variety of technologies and standards. Among the most common in the global IT-market - DLNA. This is a set of standardized algorithms supported by most modern models of Smart TVs, smartphones, tablets, set-top boxes, etc. The possibilities of DLNA are enough to solve most of the problems associated with the distribution of media content. This standard, moreover, does not imply a complicated setting. All this, in fact, makes DLNA technology in demand among users of digital devices around the world.

How to install an appropriate multimedia content management system? How to use a home media server based on DLNA algorithms? We study these questions consistently.

Creating and configuring a home media server

First of all, we have to create our own home media server. The instruction with the help of which such a task can be solved involves the following basic steps:

- preparation of hardware components;

- choice of software;

- network configuration.

Consider the relevant aspects of creating a media server in more detail.

Grade "iron"

First you need to prepare the "iron", thenThere is a hardware part of the future media server. As we noted above, the corresponding system of distribution of multimedia content assumes the presence of the main module - in the form of a computer or laptop. The performance requirements of the corresponding device will not be strict: a device that may be outdated for running modern games and therefore least often used by digital amateurs living in an apartment can be given to fulfill the corresponding function of the media server.

IPTV media server

Enough for the computer to have a processor withfrequency of the order of 1-1,5 GHz, RAM volume of about 1-2 GB. In principle, it is possible to organize network operation even with lower performance characteristics. The size of the hard disk depends on the actual needs of the user. If a person plans to use a media server to store movies in high quality and then distribute them over the network, you will probably have to equip your PC or laptop, used as the main element of the corresponding infrastructure, with a hard drive of about 500-1000 GB.

Wi-Fi equipment

It is extremely important that the device about whichin question, supported connections via Wi-Fi. Of course, a functional media server is quite realistic to organize using wired connections — but this is less convenient and takes, as a rule, more time. Most models of modern laptops have built-in Wi-Fi module. As for the "desktops", this is not always the case, but the corresponding hardware component can always be purchased separately. It is inexpensive - about 700-800 rubles. There is no need for special efforts associated with the installation - it will be enough to insert the Wi-Fi module into the PCI slot and install, if necessary, the drivers attached to it.

iptv home media server

To ensure that all devices included ininfrastructure home network, could interact via Wi-Fi, you will also need a router. Theoretically, of course, you can connect one device to another directly - the corresponding wireless standard supports this function, but in this case the connection channel will not be as stable as when using a router, and in most cases it will be less secure due to limited support strong encryption algorithms. By the way, many modern providers provide Wi-Fi routers, so it is possible that the user already has the corresponding software component. If not, it must be purchased, and it must support the standard used for connecting to the Internet - for example, fiber optic connection, Ethernet or ADSL.

Отметим, что устройства, с помощью которых It is assumed that access to multimedia content distributed by the home media server must support the DLNA standard. But most of the time there are no problems with this - if we are talking about, for example, modern models of LG, Samsung, Philips TVs with support for Smart TV. Regarding smartphones and tablets, their modern models also, as a rule, integrate seamlessly with media servers.


Another part of home infrastructuremedia server - software. It should be placed on a PC or laptop, used as the main module of the corresponding system. Software for such purposes is available in a very wide range of varieties. It can be classified for two reasons - programs created by brands-manufacturers of multimedia devices (for example, TVs), as well as solutions that are produced by third-party developers. So, in order, for example, to create a media server for Smart TV when using Samsung TVs, you can use the Samsung Allshare program. Similar solutions are produced and other brands, manufacturers of digital technology.

Benefits of Home Media Server

Among the most popular types of software from independentdevelopers - the program Home Media Server, or "Home media server." Instructions for using this software does not imply difficulty in mastering. The necessary settings for the home network and media content management algorithms are implemented in the HMS interfaces easily and quickly. Also, this program is characterized by great functionality and stability in work.

Home media server for LG

HMS is a universal solution.With it, you can integrate virtually any brand TV and home media server - for Philips, Samsung, LG and other leading manufacturers of digital technology, it does not matter what type of software the network owner uses. The program in question is fully compatible with the DLNA standards we have mentioned above. HMS features allow you to organize sharing with various devices to files, as well as television broadcasts in IPTV format.

TVersity Features

Another popular program used by manyusers to run a home media server - TVersity. What is its specificity? First of all, it can be noted that it is available in paid and free versions. The difference between them is not very big in terms of software functionality. The main distinctive feature of the paid version is subscription to some Internet channels.

Among the remarkable features of TVersity -optimization of media exchange in terms of bandwidth home network. So, the transcoder that is used by the program can produce video with a given bitrate rate - so that the corresponding media stream is displayed on the screens of the receiving devices continuously, even if the network is slow. There are no problems with how to set up a media server using this software. Instructions for using the capabilities of TVersity are quickly mastered by even beginners in creating home networks.

Advantages of XBMC

Another notable program is XBMC.It was originally designed for use with Xbox consoles. However, now this is a popular cross-platform solution that can be installed on a PC running Windows, Linux, Mac, on mobile platforms. This program is notable for the fact that it can provide general access not only to media files located on the hard disk of the PC used as the main module, but also to online media. With XMBC users can access the pages of popular social networks, watch the weather forecast. Many users are also impressed by the fact that XMBC supports a large number of themes. For this program, a special application xbmcRemote is released, with which you can configure your smartphone or tablet as a remote control for devices connected to your home media server.

Plex Media Server Specific

Another noteworthy program is Plex.Media Server. Many users characterize it as one of the easiest to learn. Plex is also distinguished by its stability and versatility: it can be used to network a wide variety of types of devices. The versatility of the program is also reflected in the fact that it is equipped with algorithms for recoding media streams. This feature allows you to avoid problems with the recognition of content on different devices. Another major advantage of Plex is cross-platform.

LinuxMCE features

Есть фактически отдельная операционная система, which allows you to organize the management of home media servers - LinuxMCE. It can be noted that its functionality is not limited to support for DLNA standards. This operating system allows you to integrate in a single network not only TVs, smartphones and computers, but also other electronic devices, such as cameras, IP-phones.

Home media server instruction

What is the best solution of the above?suitable for organizing home media server management? Each of them has indisputable advantages, very few have significant drawbacks. Most likely, the question will be not in the quality and capabilities of one or another type of software, but in the user's willingness to master them, as well as in its practical needs for the specific functions of the programs. So, if he needs basic capabilities - sharing video files, Internet TV - you can create a media server under the control of HMS - a simple and easy-to-use program. If you plan to create a powerful infrastructure that involves connecting a large number of digital devices to your home network, you can pay attention to XBMC or even LinuxMCE.

Practical use of media server features

So, we decided on what hardware andSoftware components are needed for networking. We will continue the consideration of algorithms that reflect how to create and configure a media content distribution system, as well as how to use a home media server.

It may be noted that leveraging opportunitiesprograms - at least those that we discussed above, does not imply significant difficulties. The first thing to do is install the appropriate software on your computer. Further algorithm of our actions will depend on what functions we want to use. Among the most popular of them among owners of digital devices is the organization of sharing media files from different devices, as well as watching TV programs using IPTV technology with the help of devices included in the network.

Consider how to configure the home server to solve the marked tasks on the example of HMS program interfaces.

Sharing media content in HMS

Among the main benefits of the HMS program, as wenoted above - versatility. With its help, virtually any device can be combined into an infrastructure, the central part of which is a home media server. For Philips, Samsung, LG and other brands - it does not matter what type of software is on the main network module.

Чтобы решить задачу, связанную с организацией sharing media files - videos, photos, music - we launch the program, then we select from the list of devices displayed in the main window, then with which the files on the media server are supposed to run. For example, it could be a TV with Smart TV technology.

How to use your home media server

After that you should indicate the media resources thatto be distributed among network-connected devices. You need to go to the HMS settings, select the “List of directories” item, after - “Media Resources”, and then, by pressing the “Add” button, you should specify the address of the corresponding files. As soon as these actions have been performed, it is necessary to press the “Scan” button, and after that, activate it automatically to ensure that the relevant content is displayed on the TV in a timely manner.

How to use media server using TV?Very simple. It is necessary to load an interface with the help of the TV control panel, in which the source of the TV picture is supposed to be indicated - this can be the antenna itself, the Internet channel, a USB flash drive or, as in our case, a media server created using the DLNA standard. The corresponding item should appear in the TV menu, and those files that we marked in HSM as to be shared will be available for launch. Modern TVs, as a rule, easily recognize a home media server. For LG, Samsung, Philips and other brands, providing support for standards like DLNA is the norm.

Using IPTV in your home network

Another common problem solvedhome network owners - organizing the broadcast of television programs using IPTV technology. The most important condition here is that the user has a subscription to the corresponding service of the provider (as a rule, it is paid). When using HMS interfaces, it is also very easy to set up a media server for IPTV usage.

Internet tv media server

It will be necessary to download and install the program on the PCVLC Media Player - it will be used to work with relevant content. It is necessary to bind it to the HMS interfaces by going to “Settings”, then by selecting “Media Resources”, after - “Internet Resources” and specifying the folder where the VLC program is installed.

After that you need to upload to the HMS playlistTV channels in m3u format - many providers allow you to download these files from their sites. After that, go back to “Settings” and mark the option “Internet TV” in the section “Profile Transcoding”. After that, you need to restart the media server. Then you can start watching channels in IPTV format using a TV.

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