/ / How to remove Denwer from your computer

How to remove Denwer from your computer

Now, against the background of the declining cost of sitesfor hosting sites, almost every second owner of a computer connected to the global network, is thinking about its own Internet page. What is it for? Some decide to earn this way, others - to self-assert (on the principle "what am I worse for ?!"), but others pursue other goals.

Of course, you can quickly create your site usingonline designer and completely free to place it on the same hosting provided (they are easily found through the corresponding query in the search engines). In this case, from the person (the future webmaster) it takes only a little free time to study the mechanisms of the designer and fill the pages with useful information. But due to some limitations of such solutions (inconvenient for earning, relatively slow server operation, third-party advertising), many start to create a full-fledged website (or blog, in this context it is not so important).

Obviously, it is much more logical beforehandprepare everything on your computer and only then upload the data to the server. That is, use a "draft", and not write immediately to the main "notebook." And there really is such a solution. It is enough to install a special program on the computer that emulates some basic functions of the distant server of the hosting provider and prepare its resource, as if it already is posted on the Web. One of the most famous of these programs is Denver. It is understandable that on forums, newcomers are asked how to remove Denwer.

In its work, the program creates a virtualdisk (connects the directory as an independent disk). With minimal knowledge in this field, you can easily solve all the issues that arise and you do not have to further understand how to remove Denver. But many users choose the path of trial and error, deciding to create a website without having the necessary knowledge. Perhaps, in some ways, they are right, since it makes it possible to focus on a particular problem, rather than "spray", studying everything. That is why the question of how to remove Denwer is so urgent. How to solve it?

When you remove Denver from your computer, you will need the following:

- disable the virtual disk;

- remove the local server itself (Denver);

- clean the system from the traces of the program.

Performing the removal of Denver, it is recommended not toreinvent the wheel, and use the provided mechanisms. So, first you need to stop the program. To do this, go to the folder "WebServers" (this is the default directory) and in the "Denwer" run the files stop.exe (icon stop servers) and SwitchOff.exe. If everything is done correctly, then there is no difficulty with how to remove Denwer. After stopping, you can simply erase the WebServers directory and the corresponding icons from the desktop.

If the removal is incorrect, you need to manually remove itstart lines from the operating system configuration file. Press Win + R, type msconfig and follow the "Startup" section. In the list we look for the lines Create Virtual Drive and remove the tick from them. Check the file "Windowssystem32driversetchosts" - it should not contain unnecessary lines (the description of the structure is easy to find on the web). It remains to reboot the computer.

To remove virtualyou can use the subst command. The syntax is "subst Y: / D", where "Y" is the letter of the added disc. We press Win + R and in the appeared line we enter a command (without the quotes).

Usually the difficulty with how to remove Denwer is notoccurs. Especially if you do everything thoughtfully and without haste. Denver is a pretty thought-out software product, with a very friendly mechanism for interacting with the user. With any possible problems, do not panic by clicking on all the buttons. Typically, the solution is hidden just two clicks away (by the way, this is true for most other programs).

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