/ Installing Wordpress on Denwer. The local Denwer server. Wordpress Russian

Install Wordpress on Denwer. The local Denwer server. Wordpress Russian

If you are a novice user and are going toinstall on your computer WordPress in order to understand it, customize and test various plug-ins, then this article is just for you. The fact that there are a lot of nuances, and quite important, without which you can not work. Although the installation of Wordpress on Denwer runs in a few simple steps, the beginner may not understand this, so let's start to understand.

install wordpress on denwer

Some general information

Before you start creating your own sitedirectly on the Internet, it makes sense to try to do it on your own computer. Here you can find out if this platform is right for you. To put it more simply, to begin with, your polygon is a local server. This scheme has several obvious advantages, for example, you can find faults in plug-ins and eliminate them, the same applies to other glitches. Thus, you can perform all the necessary settings, delete all unnecessary plug-ins and put the necessary ones. Experiments with templates are another advantage that the local Denwer server has. The thing is that on a site that users can find it is extremely inconvenient to do, and it will have to stop its work, which will certainly affect the reputation and rating, and this is obvious losses.

wordpress russian

Installing Wordpress on Denwer: First Steps

First of all you need to download the latest version"WordPhess" on your computer. It is best to use the official site or those where there is a large number of positive feedback from visitors. Next, you need to start the actual "Denver", you can do it from your computer desktop or via "Start". Here you will see drive Z, it is automatically created during the installation of the program. We need to find a folder called Home and create another folder in it, naming it the name of our future site. After you need to open it and create another folder called www. After that, go to where we unpacked the engine WordPress, copy all the files from the folder and save them to www. Now go to the next step - creating a database for the site.

wordpress denwer

How to make a database?

So, in order to get down to work, weyou need to login to our browser. There you should write the following in the address line: localhost / Tools / phpMyAdmin. Confirm the transition by pressing the Enter key. In fact, this is the main tool of "Denver", which allows you to somehow work with databases. You will see a small window, we need to go to the "Database" section, and after - select "Create". One important point: do not forget to specify the correct encoding, this should be the utf8_general format. Now you can easily add a new user. But as practice shows, the local denwer server has a number of features that most newbies can not figure out on their own, so let's look at the step of adding a new user in more detail. It is important to do everything as correctly as possible.

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How to add a user to the database?

It will not be superfluous to say that initially"Denver" is set to the default settings, so the username is displayed as root. As for the password, it is generally absent. You can not install it, although on a real hosting service it's just necessary to do it. The first thing we need to do is go to the "Users" section and select "Create User". There is a rather simple form. You need to enter a name and password, as well as a host, and all this is confirmed. It takes no more than five minutes. In the section "Global Privileges" you should note "Select All". This item is required for you to have all the tools for editing the database. After that, click "Next" and exit. Adding a user can be considered finished.

wordpress plugins

How to edit wp-config?

This file is necessary for linking"WordPress" with "Denver". In fact, there is nothing complicated, but in any case, you need to edit this file. To do this, you must find the CMS folder and open wp-config / simple.php. It can be opened in almost any text editor. The easiest way to do this is with a notepad. Here you need to fill a few lines. One of them is the name of the database, and then the user name and, of course, the password. Do not touch anything else. Do not forget to save the changes, but you need to edit the file name, and to be more precise, delete the word simple. The file should be put in the same directory, from where we actually got it. But all this will not work if you do not restart Denver, for this you need to press restart denwer. We start and see that everything works the way it should be. And now we pass to the next, no less important stage.

We deal with the Wordpress menu or the first launch

I would like to say a few words about the fact thatit is best to use Russian-language interfaces. Firstly, it's much easier to learn the basics, and secondly, you'll be much quicker to understand all the subtleties of Wordpress. Russian language can not be chosen, so you need to download the latest version from the official site, it will have the interface we need. In order to start the engine "WordPress", you need to go to the browser and write wptest.ru. Then you will see a window, in it you need to select "Create settings file". Then we fill all the fields and move on, then click "Start installation". You will be asked to enter your mailing address, as well as the name of the future site, its title. After you do this, it remains to wait for the installation to complete. On the mail will come a letter with a password from the admin. So your site is ready, its name wptest.ru. If you need to go to administration, then this is wptest.ru/wp-admin. Well, now let's go to the final stage, because we have already figured out how to install Wordpress on Denwer, and made sure that there is nothing particularly complicated.

local denwer server

Why do we need a setup for Denver?

The answer to this question is very simple.The thing is that if you are going to create your own blog, and you do not have such experience, then you need to practice on the local server. Already fully optimized for search requests site you can put on hosting, this is good and Denwer. Windows 8,7, XP - all these platforms are supported, so do not worry about this. In fact, you can not use this method, but there is a risk of losing money and the actual visitors, which in competition on the Internet is simply unacceptable. You can fully understand how plug-ins work for Wordpress and do not worry, that it harms your site, because nobody sees it, because this is your own training ground. That is, it's a great chance to get on the network with some kind of knowledge. Of course, to become a professional in this environment will not work, because only on hosting you can master all the nuances and subtleties, which are many. But a good start is half the battle.

Some interesting and important details

wordpress menu

You can not worry at all aboutof the power of your iron, since the same "Denver" takes about 15 megabytes on the hard drive, which is not very much. As for the "WordPhess" itself, there's nothing to say, because the engine will work on almost any equipment. Note that after the Wordpress installation on Denwer is finished, you will see several new shortcuts on the desktop. One of them is the launch, the second is the shutdown of the local server. There will also be a third one, responsible for restarting. It is worth noting that "Denver" contains a number of distributions necessary for the web developer, such as MySQL, PHP, Perl and many others. Therefore, there is everything you need to work on the local server. They can be used by both professional programmers and novice users.


I would like to sum up all that wasmentioned above. As you can see, there is nothing particularly complicated in this operation. You will need the Internet to download "Denver", and you will have to gain a little patience to configure the database. Remember, everything is done without going online, that is, on a local server. This is the first practical knowledge. But do not underestimate this method. You can create your own blog on your PC, customize it as you see fit, debug it and only then release it for hosting. Here, perhaps, and everything that can be said on this topic. It's enough just to find an hour of free time - and you'll be able to deal with WordPress plug-ins and the principle of this platform. It is desirable that the interface is Russian-language, so you will be much easier. In addition, it is best to use the latest version, because it contains all the latest plug-in updates. As practice shows, the hardest part is to start working with Wordpress. Denwer will help you quickly understand everything.

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