/ / Armature class A400: characteristics, application

Armature class А400: characteristics, application

Wide choice of various kinds of metalproducts allows not only to strengthen the structures to the required level, thus creating reliable buildings, but also greatly affects the process of erecting any objects, accelerating it several times.

Basic characteristics of the valve

Start listing the characteristics of the class armatureA400 costs from the fact that it is still very often called the old marking A3. Turning to its properties it is important to know a few basic differences. The first of these is its surface. The ribbed surface of this armature affects its price, increasing it. This is due to the fact that it is more difficult to create a corrugated reinforcement with metal rolling than a smooth one. But it is necessary to understand that the adhesion to concrete in such a product is higher. In addition, because of its surface, the A400 armature can be successfully used both in the manufacture of reinforced concrete slabs for overlapping, and for pouring the foundation on the construction site.

armature class a400

Decryption and diameter

What class of valves A400 represents?To answer this question, it will suffice to decipher its designation. The letter A in the marking indicates that the metal product is hot rolled or thermomechanically reinforced reinforcing bar. The figure 400 indicates the yield strength of this product is 400 N / mm2.

fittings a400 what class

It is important to understand that one of the most importantcharacteristics of the reinforcement is its diameter. Naturally, this indicator will be different. GOST under number 5781-82 sets the release of the product with a diameter of 6 to 40 mm. In the production it is allowed to use such steel grades as 35GS and 25G2S. If a raw material such as 32G2Ppc steel is used in the manufacture of reinforcement, the diameter of the final product may be not less than 6 mm and not more than 22 mm. Because of the large amount of raw material, as well as the final product, that is, the reinforcement, choosing the appropriate class for the construction of a particular facility will not be a big problem. What class of reinforcement A400 to choose for the erection of the object? It is best to rely on the recommendations of specialists.

Diameter selection

Многие люди, которые не слишком хорошо знакомы с the fundamentals of construction and poor knowledge of materials, may underestimate certain properties. When choosing this product, diameter is the most important indicator of elasticity. The larger the numerical value of this characteristic, the greater the load the armature can withstand and return to its original form before it bends or breaks.

corrugated reinforcement

There is another very important factor with whichoften encountered when buying. Diameter of reinforcement class A400 does not match the declared in the catalog, for example. It is very important to know here that if you measure this indicator with a caliper in the place of the rib, it will be larger, and if in a smooth place, it is less. Since the surface is corrugated, it can not have a single index along its entire length. Because of this, the numerical characteristic of this parameter is determined by the arithmetic mean. In addition, even in the state document it is indicated that the corrugated reinforcement can have a small deviation of the diameter from the declared, but on condition that it does not affect the carrying capacity in any way.

Effect of diameter on storage and transport

It is important to understand that the characteristics of the rods, andmore precisely their diameter, will affect even the way of storage and transportation of products. For example, it is possible to transport corrugated reinforcement, the diameter of which is less than 12 mm, by winding it in coils. This method has several advantages. First, the transportation process is facilitated, and it becomes more convenient to store it. Secondly, the storage in coils allows to avoid such a defect as the bend of the reinforcement in some place, which will significantly affect the strength of the product.

Armature class A400, which has a largerdiameter, can be transported in the form in which it is, that is, rods. This is possible due to the fact that it is already difficult to bend or straighten such a thick metal, and the appearance of a small inflection is not so terrible.

armature price per ton

What kind of armature is A400 or A3?

Currently, when buying reinforcement manypeople face such a problem as different labeling. Most often this problem happens with A400 and A3. Many people ask the question, what is the difference if these products have the same appearance, the same production process and the raw materials from which they are made, as well as the same performance characteristics. It is worth noting that the price per ton of reinforcement is the same. The answer to the question is quite simple. This is the same fixture. The only difference is that the name A3 is considered classic, but the brand A400 appeared quite recently. Here you can add that there is also S400 marking. This is the same type of product, the scope of application remained the same as everything else. Simply, this name is made according to another product classification.

a400 what kind of fittings

Special varieties

The usual type of A3 or A400 fittings is used for conventional building construction. However, there are some special types of material that are also used, but much less often.

  • AT400.This subset of a metal rod is characterized by the fact that it undergoes a thermal treatment, during which changes occur with the crystal structure of the grid. Due to this effect, it is possible to achieve a strong increase in the strength of the product without increasing its diameter.
  • A400C.This type is different from the others in that it can be welded together. Usually, the reinforcement is interconnected by means of a special wire, if it is necessary to create a skeleton or a solid structure. Simple welding rods will get very hot at the joints. And they, as you know, are the first to give up slack under critical loads, since during welding the crystal lattice of the material, which is responsible for strength, is damaged. The A400C is made in such a way that it has no such deficiency, and it can be joined together with wire and welding.
  • A400K. Special corrosion resistant reinforcement, which has a highly specialized application profile. Most often used for such works as the arrangement of the bases of bridges, etc.

reinforcement 12 a400

Impurities in the composition

It is important to note that some characteristicsreinforcement А400 with 12 mm diameter or any other depends on impurities. Here it is important to understand that impurities are available both in the composition of specialized brands of reinforcement, and in conventional. Most often additives are used as additives, such as carbon, silicon, manganese, chromium, copper, aluminum, nickel, sulfur and phosphorus.

Of course, the mass fraction of these additives included inthe composition of the rods is very small. If we talk about the numerical value of these coefficients, then they are in the area of ​​hundredths, and some in the region of thousandths of percent. The quantitative content of these impurities is established by GOST, and the slightest violation of the composition prescribed in the document will immediately be noticeable in the deterioration of the quality of the finished product.

A400 armature weight

Profile difference

Continuing to talk about the characteristics of the valve,It is important to note that they have a different surface. In other words, they have a different edge profile. Can be a sickle or ring profile. This is a very important factor, since the scope of use of the product also depends on it. Another interesting parameter is the weight of A400 fittings. Depending on the diameter, it varies from 0.25 to almost 40 kg (one meter of reinforcing bar).

Rebar ring profile most oftenIt is used in the event that it is necessary to build a powerful structure that will have a large number of objects made of concrete. This type of ribs in the product is able to provide reliable adhesion of metal to concrete, and is also suitable for reinforcement.

Sickle profile is most often used.specialists in the event that it is important to give greater strength to the finished product before breaking. It is worth adding that not so long ago there were products that have a combined profile, which is good in adhesion to concrete, and also provides reliable protection against rupture.

A400 armature weight

Parameters of the finished product

The price of fittings per ton is made up ofwhat materials were used for production. Special types of steel will cost more. The cheapest type of reinforcement will be a rod with a diameter of 8 mm. The cost for one will be about 40 rubles. The ton will include about 193 units, which means that the cost will be about 40,000 rubles.

As mentioned earlier, the minimum diameter of the rod is 6mm, and a maximum of 40 mm. Finished products can be from 6 to 12 in length. It is also important to add that there is such a parameter as the curvature of the rod. This parameter for reinforcement A400 is allowed no more than 0.6% of the length of the rod. It is also worth noting that the less thick product coils into a skein, while the thicker ones are stored only separately and have the appearance of a long metal bar.

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