/ / Slashers are the best relaxing remedy

Slashers are the best relaxing remedy

In games, both in music and cinema, there are alsocertain genres and directions. Each novice gamer can find something of his own. Some people like logical strategies that require players to know the economy and politics. Others will choose fast and dynamic races with chases and crashes. Some will prefer to play action games. But few know that there is another very exciting genre in the gaming industry. Slashers are projects of a separate orientation, some moments similar to the action, but still significantly different from all others.

slashers are

What is the difference?

First of all, games of this genre are differenttheir gameplay. Here the main technique of the game is built on the destruction of entire crowds of enemies through incredibly perfectly percussion combinations and combo techniques. In other words, slashers are games in which the combat system and its animation are valued above the plot and graphics. Such projects, as a rule, do not contain a complex semantic component. They are designed to relieve the psychological strain from the user, relax his state through numerous victories over the hordes of opponents with one super-blow.

Basically, the gameplay of these games is built onthe use of melee weapons (bladed weapons), combining various types of martial arts, which gives the project maximum dynamism and color. The most important thing in this game is to quickly and promptly press the appropriate keys so that you can chop your enemies into pieces without stopping. The best slashers have one more important component - a dynamic and charging music-based action. If there is such a pleasure from torn to shreds of opponents is guaranteed.

the best slashers

What should I play?

Slashers on the PC are mostly smallnumber of projects, so we will analyze each separately. What to play, it's in the series Devil May Cry. This is just a stunning game with the presence of dozens of tricks and combinations, firearms and knives, a chic musical accompaniment and, attention, an interesting story. In short, it contains all the best that only a slamster can provide an ordinary gamer. The next no less dynamic project is X-Men Origins: Wolverine. A game about one of the most powerful and living heroes - Wolverine. Here the plot revolves around his long past, which happened long before the first film "X-Men." The most important and fatty plus of the project is the unrealistic violence against the opponents.

slashers on pc
Игра не даст скучать пользователю ни на минуту, exposing, as opposed to its sharp blades, the army of furious mercenaries, robots and mutants. Collapse - post-apocalyptic slasher from Ukrainian developers. A pretty good game with combo techniques. God Of War is a classic of this genre. If you want to understand what a dimensionless riot and devastating devices - just run this game and fully enjoy the colors of real battles. Slashers - this is primarily a series of games God Of War. Darksiders - a series of so far consisting of 2 parts. It can be attributed to a slasher, but with RPG elements. Here, the plot is beautiful, and a visual image of the surrounding world, battles and characters.

This is not the whole list of good projects for thisgenre, but they are among the best of the best. Slashers - this is a kind of a tool for psychological relaxation, giving the player the opportunity to destroy whole armies of evil, guided by their arsenal and skills.

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