/ / How to open a DBF file: the simplest solutions

Than to open a DBF-file: the elementary decisions

Today, probably, no one needs to talk aboutThe fact that quite often many users encounter files with the extension .dbf. What is most sad, in Windows, even with the installed Microsoft Office package, this type of files is not associated with any program. We have a DBF file. Than to open it, we now also will try to understand. At the same time, let's see how you can install the extension association for the subsequent automatic recognition of data and opening the search file.

DBF Format: Description

Actually, from the very reduction applied toextension of a file of this type, we can already conclude that this is a database. It is somewhat specific, since usually such files have a .db (Data Base) extension.

than to open dbf

In this case, we have a different type of data,which, however, despite its specificity, is recognized by many programs supporting the work with information of this type. It can be the same Excel or Access that is part of the main Microsoft Office suite, or any other office application from third-party developers.

How to open DBF in the standard version

In fact, if you suddenly encounter a filethis type (the icon is not even used on the Explorer), do not panic. Quite simply, you can open it with Excel, because it preserves the entire logical structure and formatting of the text, taking into account the same cross-references and the possibility of using a standard search system.

dbf file than open

Since the file itself is not in the standard versionno program is associated, you can do it in two ways. It is recommended, for example, simply run Excel or Access, and then use the standard open file menu or the Ctrl + O keyboard shortcut. However, in the appeared menu in the file type field, you should specify "All files" (rather than "native" format), after then select the desired file. Be sure: any table program recognizes this type of data without any problems.

As it is clear, the problem, than to openDBF-file, in our case, reduces only to the use of a standard office application in manual mode. As it is already clear, this method is not always convenient and requires certain expenses in time.

Related Programs

Now look at the DBF file itself. How to open it without using a standard office suite? Yes, the same utilities that are part of similar software products.

dbf format reading

For example, it could be the same Open Office,Lotus, etc. In principle, there is not much difference here, since only the fact that the program used is capable of working with tabular electronic data plays a role. Reading the DBF format is the same in all cases. By the way, it does not depend on the developer of the office suite, because all have support for this type of data, including even platforms like Oracle.

Change the default open options

And now let's see how to open DBF-files so,to use automatic mode. In the simplest case, this is done from the submenu called by the right click on the file in the usual Explorer, where the command "Open with ..." is selected.

dbf format description

For an isolated case, one of theapplications listed in the list. In order not to rack yourself up again about how to open DBF-files, you can simply specify the selected application, and then from the bottom put the "bird" opposite the line "Use for all files of this type." The same Excel later (if it is selected as the default program) will open a file of this type with the usual double click.

It goes without saying that instead of an applicationExcel can choose the same Access or other programs that can recognize and open data of this type. The point is not this. The main thing is to configure the automatic opening of the database. Well and with what to work in the plan of the software, it already business of each concrete user of computer system.

What in the end?

To summarize, it is worth saying that the optimaloption when opening files of this type is, of course, an office package from Microsoft, because it is the most common in the world. However, there is nothing to worry about that a user who does not use Microsoft products will open data of this type in any other application.

As is already clear from all of the above,table editors are present in almost all today's known packages. They can differ among themselves only by naming, and certainly not by a functional set, which, as a rule, is the same everywhere, with rare exceptions.

Among other things, accordingly, you canuse and many development tools with the use of a sufficiently large number of programming languages. On the same platform that supports the creation and optimization of SQL-servers, such files are opened, as they say, in the moment. When opened, they will have a fairly specific appearance, which is somewhat unusual for a regular user. However, most users are unlikely to use such professional development tools, and will limit themselves only to the standard software suite.

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