/ / Computer takes a long time to boot (Windows 7), what to do?

The computer takes a long time to boot (Windows 7), what should I do?

Does the computer boot up for a long time?Windows 7 or another operating system is installed - it does not matter, this is a fairly common problem among modern users. Let's try to figure out what to do in this situation. In addition, it is worth noting which factors are the "retarders" of the computer.

Follow the system

the computer takes a long time to load windows 7

So, the first option is whenthe computer boots (Windows 7), - this, of course, is a banal non-observance of all the rules on the "care" of the OS. So, over time, it begins to clog and litter with old programs, games and other applications. As a result, the computer starts to slow down, Windows 7 takes a long time to load. You don’t know what to do. Then try to get rid of everything you just need, but, nevertheless, installed in the system. Old games and applications, programs - everything that you do not plan to run is best removed using the "Control Panel". When you finish the case, you will notice that the system started to work faster. But that is not all. The reasons that a computer takes a long time to boot (Windows 7) are quite a few. Let's see what else can contribute to this behavior.


Well, if you notice that your operatingSince the system has been loading up for a long time, then think about how long you have been doing the so-called disk defragmentation. This process is preferably performed once a month to ensure normal system operation. If you have never been involved in this process at all, and then suddenly your computer boots for a long time, Windows 7 refuses to obey, then you should not be surprised.

We'll have to do defragmentation.This is a standard feature "Windows", so you can find it in the "Standard" tab. Click "Tools", and then find there "Disk Defragmenter". Click this menu item and mark all partitioned hard disks to defragment. When the process is complete, the system will start working several times faster. And even it will begin to "fly". But that's not all. It is worth seeing a couple more reasons why a computer takes a long time to boot. Windows 7 is not the only OS subject to this problem.

long boot computer windows 7

A lot of everything

Well, another reason for the slow worksystem is a banal clutter of the system, or rather, its "overwhelmed" diverse, constantly functioning programs. If you’re used to running 100 graphics processing programs, another 100 to work with music, several dozens of utilities for the Internet, and all this at the same time, then you shouldn’t be surprised that you have moments of "thoughtfulness."

In this situation only totalthe extermination of the constant launch of many programs. In other words, you will have to restrain your ardor and not run 200 applications at the same time. Try not to load the computer processor very much. Otherwise, you have a problem with the speed of work will not improve. Instead, you will think about the topic: "Computer loads for a long time (Windows 7) - what to do?" Limit your desires, or simply buy a more powerful computer. It will allow you to use more applications at the same time.

the computer takes a long time to load windows 7 what to do


If you have a very long computer boot,Windows 7 in the eyes of losing its speed, - perhaps the system is infected with some kind of computer infection. Simply put. you picked up a virus that now boots your computer. Modern trojans and spam can quietly be registered in the autorun, as well as launch their copies and "multiply". All this makes the computer for a very long time "to think."

What to do in this situation?Perhaps it would be most logical to get rid of viruses. How to do it? There are many different methods of dealing with this infection. You could even say that every Trojan has its own board. The main thing is to start by scanning the operating system for malware. After that, a little clean the registry, and only then watch how to defeat specifically your "infection." After the system is cured, the speed of work will be restored. But there are more reasons for this behavior. Now we will finally figure out what else can serve as an impetus for poor performance.


Sometimes the reason that takes a long time to loadcomputer (Windows 7), serves as the "hardware" of which the "computer" consists in general. Here the problem is divided into several categories. Nevertheless, the outcome will be the same - huge “brakes” in the work, or even strong failures, leading to data loss. Let's see what can serve as an impetus for such phenomena.

computer long boot windows 7 black screen

So, the most pleasant outcome - you settoo powerful operating system for your computer. In other words, it simply does not "pull", does not fit the minimum system requirements for the "OS". In this situation, you can either reinstall the system to the appropriate one, or change the computer hardware.

The second scenario is a breakdown.any computer "piece of iron". Usually. Before this, the system informs the user about it. Very often, we are given messages with error codes (and even with direct text), which displays the reason for "long thoughts" before the actions. What to do in this situation? Take the computer to a service center - they will help you find out the cause and correct it. Or, if you know exactly what has broken for you, you can try to replace the part yourself.

System Goodbye

Well, if the computer takes a long time to boot (Windows7), a black screen appears instead of the welcome window, then, of course, this can only mean one thing - your system has "dropped." Simply put, broke. For what reasons - only you and your computer know. This is the most embarrassing moment that appears after a user ignores critical error messages several times. What to do in this case?

a very long computer boot windows 7

First you can get the Windows installation disc.7 and try to restore the system using the recovery tool. If you succeeded in bringing the computer back to life - immediately scan it, clean it, and best of all, call the wizard, which will help you to keep the system in working condition.

The second scenario is fullsystem loss, along with all data. This will only help complete reinstallation with formatting the hard disk. So, be careful, pay attention to all error messages and failures - then you will be able to recognize the problem in time and solve it.

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