/ How is Skype made? Detailed analysis

How is Skype made? Detailed analysis

In the article we will talk about how Skype is made, what it is, what its popularity is, what this program is used for.

Communication without borders

how skype is made

"Skype" is a program for communication, builton the principle of the exchange of instant text messages, audio and video calls. For a short time from the beginning of its existence, it replaced almost all competitors, it is used around the world, and versions for various OSes and mobile devices were released.

With the help of the named program it is possible completelyfree to communicate with other users. You can also make calls to mobile and landline phones, but in this case, however, you will need to replenish your account with money, since such calls are billed. But how is Skype made? What are the principles of his work? In this we will understand.

Software code

Any computer program consists of codelanguage in which it is written. After the final compilation, it is translated into a sequence of zeros and ones that the processor processes - into a so-called binary code. But we will not go into detailed technical descriptions.

Since our program works, if we talkSimplified? To begin with, the user needs to register and create an account, the name of it will subsequently be a unique indicator, a kind of "phone number" to which all are accustomed. After that, you need to install the program on the computer.

At the time of making a call to anotherthe program server sends information with the user's login to verify its existence, then it is set whether it is on the network, and if so, whether it can receive calls.

If the subscriber answers the call,software capture of a microphone or video camera for the subsequent transformation of the image and sound into binary coding, sending to the server and the computer of the called subscriber, where it is recoded again into picture and sound. The same happens with text messages. As you can see, it's not so difficult to explain how Skype is made.

Paid calls

how skype works

If calls are made to mobile andfixed phones, the system checks the user's balance first, and if the available amount is sufficient, the request again "flies" to the server of the program where the mobile or city operator, through their digital channel, is transferred to their automated telephone exchange.

The same happens if one or bothsubscriber for calls use mobile Internet. During the conversation, the state of the balance is monitored - and at the time of a full charge, communication is terminated. This is the general answer to the question about how Skype works.

"Skype" and the State Duma

Несколько лет назад мобильными операторами был a very amusing bill was submitted for consideration, its meaning was to prohibit or restrict the use of Skype on mobile phones, since when using it for calls, the connection turned out to be cheaper.

Fortunately, such a decision was not made. Otherwise, postal services, too, are likely to begin to ask to ban e-mail.

How to make "Skype" on the computer?

how to make skype on computer

That you have on your computer was "Skype", you need:

  • Make sure that your device has the necessary equipment, such as a microphone and / or camera (the latter are usually supplied with an audio device, especially in laptops).
  • Do not forget about the power of "iron". Of course, this program is quite democratic in terms of requirements, but on an entirely old computer it will work slowly and will slow down the whole system.
  • Then you need to proceed to its official website and download the latest up-to-date version.
  • Then create an account, and you can start communicating.

Here we are and figured out how to make Skype, and learned the basic principles of his work.

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