The subjects of human survival inzombie apocalypse has become very popular in modern games. Today we present to your attention the game 7 Days to Die - a guide for beginners, which will allow you to hold out for longer than one day. After all, the world of the game is fraught with many dangers, which is not even suspected by an inexperienced survivor.

So, you are naked and frozen appear onthe starting point of the game is 7 Days to Die. Survival Guide, which you can meet in official sources, recommends immediately to go to the cities to find the necessary and valuable materials. However, this tactic is very dangerous and leads to the death of the character in the first 15 minutes of the game. What should be done?
- Get as deep as possible.Make yourself a hole, preferably about 20 blocks deep, so that you do not hear the zombies. To do this you will need a pickaxe, which can be found in abandoned cars. Either use a stranger if the server is not new. By the way, do not forget about game etiquette - if you enter someone else's home, write to the chat. Do not take someone else's, if you are sheltered - there are a lot of resources and enough for everyone.
- Close at least one side of the place to sleep over a wall. This will avoid attacks from the back.
- The more lighting, the better. Enemies need to be seen from afar.
- If you do not have time to equip some lair, then you can use the roof or attic of the house. But do not forget to leave the path of retreat and block the main staircase.

In general, the first day at 7 Days to Die guide will help to live without problems. The main thing is to find the first place to sleep and determine approximately where in the future you will have a base.
One of the main problems over whichthinks the beginning player, - what loot to him to collect in 7 Days to Die. Hyde will answer this question. In fact, the game needs everything. If you have a backpack completely and completely - do caches, from which you can then drag everything to the base, but in any case, do not throw it away. On the first night you will need the following:
- Tree. It will be required for tools, torches and stairs. The easiest way is obtained if the barrel consists of one block. Cut it down - and the plant itself will fall apart.
- Earth.When mining, you can get clay, which is used as follows: put the block on the ground and again break it. Repeat this procedure many times. Every time there will be a chance that the clay will fall out.
- A rock. You will need a lot of it. But do not be zealous. To begin with, enough and 60 blocks - for the wall and oven.
- Rags. Will be needed for torches. Create a canvas (amwig) from the grass, and then put it on the ground. After that just break it, and you will drop a few rags.
- You will not need a lot of food: five to six pieces. The main thing - do not speed up and do not waste energy.
- A weapon is a club or a crossbow. If you're lucky, you can find a firearm.
Try to disassemble everything that is possible. It is useful to you.

You sat in the hole at 7 Days to Die. Hyde comes to an end, as the main principles are already mastered. What else is worth mentioning?
- When the new day begins, then get out on the surface and destroy all the zombies in the neighborhood.
- Search for vegetables and organize a vegetable garden.
- Build the base. On PVP-servers it is better to manage a hidden burrow. On the safe PWE-servers the turret illuminated from different directions perfectly approaches.
Now you know how to survive the first day in the game 7 Days to Die. The rest is a matter of technique. Save resources, rebuild and try to survive as long as possible.