/ / What should be the Internet ping? How to check ping and internet speed

What should be the Internet ping? How to check ping and internet speed

Internet ping directly affects the speedconnection. So, one of the methods of diagnosing the quality of connection with the World Wide Web is ping testing. If it turns out that the problem is in this parameter, users try to lower the ping in all ways. Many re-install the system or change the provider. But is it worth to resort to such radical measures? How to check ping and internet speed?

What is ping

This concept denotes the reaction timeInternet connection and is its characteristic feature. In plain language, the parameter shows how quickly the client computer sends a request to the server and receives a response. The metric is measured in milliseconds. Check the ping and Internet speed means to evaluate the quality of the Internet connection. This check compares the number of packets sent and received.

what should be the Internet ping

Why you need to diagnose an Internet connection

In order to understand what should be pingInternet, there may be different reasons. Someone checks the indicator solely out of interest, while others collect statistical data. The main reason for checking ping is, as a rule, poor quality of Internet connection. To understand that the speed of connection with the World Wide Web leaves much to be desired, it is possible on the following grounds:

  • pages load too slowly;
  • communication with the Internet is constantly interrupted;
  • media files do not load, errors appear;
  • online games "brake", "take off".

What should the Internet ping be normal? So, a high Internet ping determines the slow connection speed.

Who needs to define ping for preventive purposes

Diagnostics of connection quality before the occurrence of problems can be carried out in the following cases:

  1. To determine the game service. For some users, the online games industry is a way to earn money. It will be better to "ping" the server in advance in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.
  2. To select resources for posting information.To implement the project, you need hosting. The service in a variety of variations is available on the World Wide Web, but it is difficult to determine the choice. One of the indicators of the quality of the hosting provider is the ability to access its own information resource at any time without interruption.
  3. In order to know how to determine the ping own electronic resource in other countries.

what is ping on the Internet

What does ping depend on?

The definition of what ping is on the Internet and the factors that affect the indicator can be grouped into three categories:

  1. Distance. The more intermediaries between the points of sending and receiving information, the longer the geographical distance of the server from the client computer.
  2. Workload. The ping value increases in direct proportion to the number of simultaneous online applications.
  3. Equipment.A weighty factor determining the quality of the connection is the technique by which it is provided. By the way, this statement concerns both the server and the client computer. The speed will be influenced in some way by the type of connection: direct, wireless, modem. Depending on the devices (modem, wi-fi-router), the speed will also be different.

high ping internet

How to test ping

Для того чтобы определить, какой должен быть пинг Internet, you first need to check the indicator on your own computer. From where the indicator will be diagnosed, the way of pinging depends. If the procedure is carried out for personal purposes, then you can use the following method:

  1. Select the key combination Win + R.
  2. Type cmd at the command prompt,
  3. After clicking OK, type the word ping.
  4. After pressing the space enter the site address.
  5. After pressing Enter, all information will be displayed on the screen.

check ping and internet speed

If the number of sent packets isthe number received, then this is a normal ping for the Internet. For fiber, this indicator should be equal to one hundred milliseconds. With this value, there will be no noticeable changes in the work of the Internet. A ping of up to one hundred and fifty milliseconds is considered acceptable; from above, this is already a problem that must be solved.

How to test ping sites

To find out what should be the pingInternet, use a variety of online services. Ease of access, latency and other information can be obtained to further analyze your own information resource. In the statistics, by the way, includes users from all over the Earth.

how to reduce internet ping

There are several online services for testing ping, the most common of which are the following:

  • Ping adminThis service is used by people around the world and provides information on access to various electronic resources for computers that can be located anywhere. To use the resource you need to enter the address of the site of interest and press Enter.
  • Vservis.infoIn addition to standard information about the electronic resource, the user is given the opportunity to ping it and check the connection. These services are provided by developers free of charge.
  • Pr-cy. Thanks to this online resource, you can find out the status of hosting and domain. After testing, the screen will display IP information, HTTP status code and decryption.

normal ping for the internet

What are the ways to reduce the quality of the Internet connection?

It is logical that after testing (especially ifthe results of the parameter evaluation did not satisfy the user) the question arises of how to reduce Internet ping. Basically, tips on how to change this indicator are given by avid gamers, because it is they who more often than others struggle with lowering the ping. From the general recommendations can highlight the following tips:

  1. To make the ping value minimal forvisitors to your own web resource, you need to carry out segmentation. This means that it is necessary to select the target audience from all site visitors. You should determine the geographical location of users and select a server that provides hosting services in the desired region.
  2. In order to as little as possible to remember what ping is on the Internet, you need to unload the Internet channel. This means a banal closure of useless applications.
  3. Defragmentation procedure.Ping depends not only on the technical characteristics of the devices, but also on the order in the computer. Work will be carried out faster if the files accessed by the program are arranged in an orderly manner.
  4. Select an Internet provider that provides the best quality service.
  5. Using proxy servers. The danger of this method of reducing the rate of ping is the possible loss of some data packets.

Ping value is an important characteristic.quality of the Internet connection and the comfort of working at the computer. Sometimes it is necessary to conduct testing for preventive purposes. If there are obvious problems, you should use one or several ways to reduce ping.

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