/ / How to know the temperature of the processor in Windows 10 on a laptop and PC?

How to know the temperature of the processor in Windows 10 on a laptop and PC?

The central processor takes in anycomputer system dominant position. It is he who is responsible for performing all computational operations. And when their number increases excessively, it simply does not cope with this task, which leads to an increase in temperature. Therefore, it is important to monitor this indicator. Consider the immediate question of how to find out the temperature of the processor in Windows 10.

Preliminary Information

If we talk about Windows operating systems,Particularly, about the tenth version, no matter how good or bad it may be, it is considered that they don’t have their own funds to control the temperature of the CPU (central processing unit).

how to find out the CPU temperature in windows 10

Many do not understand why the developers did not includeThe system kit is such an important tool. But it is precisely by him that one can very often judge the behavior of the computer as a whole. This is an absolute misconception (further it will be clear why).

What is the CPU temperature control for?

So, we have such an important parameter, as the temperature of the processor in Windows 10. How to find out or check it, it will be said a little later, but for now let's make a small digression.

Как уже было сказано выше, процессор исполняет main role in the system. What is the risk of an increase in its temperature? Only by first reducing the clock frequency, and then the software part (operating system, running services, processes, programs, and applications) begins, to say the least, to slow down. It turns out that the processor does not cope with too many hits, which leads to overheating.

Naturally, for its cooling in anyThe computer device (stationary PC or laptop) has a special cooler (cooler). However, with too much heat and he can not cope with the task entrusted to him. But the consequences can be the most unpredictable, up to the processor failure.

A similar situation is observed in the case ofsoftware or physical overclocking of the processor in order to increase its clock frequency to improve performance. But here the knowledge of how to check the temperature of the processor in Windows 10 or in any other system, is particularly acute. Such control is needed in order to reduce the load in time and, as they say, to give the processor a “breather” in the work.

How to know the temperature of the processor in Windows 10 without programs?

In the system itself, temperature control is carried outalthough it is possible, but without special knowledge it is difficult enough. However, this does not mean that it cannot be recognized without the help of extraneous means. In any stationary computer terminal or laptop, this is done simply by using the settings of the parameters of the primary BIOS I / O system.

CPU temperature in windows 10 how to find out

When entering the BIOS, you should find the control section.the state of the PC components. It can be called differently, for example, PC Health, System Health, Hardware Monitor, etc. It is in this section that there is a control line for this parameter. It is usually called CPU Warning Temperature.

It can contain several values:CPU temperature at the current time, critical elevated temperature, before which the processor will still work, or the minimum value below zero. If you exceed a predetermined threshold, it will simply fail. With all this monitoring is carried out in real time. In the simplest case, the temperature of the processor in Windows 10 on a laptop or stationary terminal is checked in such a simple way.

Use of own funds of the system

Now about the own means of the system.There is such a thing in Windows as PowerShell. For some reason, they simply forget about it. Let's see how to find out the temperature of the processor in Windows 10 using this tool.

CPU temperature in windows 10 on a laptop

If you run this utility on behalf of the administrator, you need to write the command get-wmiobject msacpi_thermalzonetemperature -namespace "root / wmi" in it.

If you run the command line, the line will look somewhat longer: wmic / namespace: \ rootwmi PATH MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature get CurrentTemperature.

The screen will display all information related totemperature ranges. On the processor, it will show either the total value or the parameter of each core. But the temperature is displayed in Kelvin, and the value is multiplied by 10. To convert it to degrees Celsius, the indicator is first divided by 10, and then 273.15 is taken from the result. Here is the desired parameter.

The most popular and popular utilities

You can pay attention to third-party softwaremeans designed to detect and monitor the temperature parameter. There are quite a lot of them released today, although not all of them are equivalent. Among the most powerful and most sought after are the following:

  • Aida64;
  • Core Temp;
  • SpeedFan;
  • HWMonitor.

These four utilities, according to manyexperts provide the most complete list of information not only on the state of the CPU, but also on many other components. Consider briefly each of these programs.


Although this application is smallsize, yet has the most powerful toolkit. What is it about? Many people know it firsthand. This is the former Everest. With just one look at the interface, it is guessed right away.

how to check the CPU temperature in windows 10

True, there is one thing.The program belongs to the category of shareware applications and in the test mode it works only thirty days. But for the user at least for a month this should be enough to draw conclusions about the average processor load and try to reduce it by turning off unnecessary services, programs or processes.

So, how to know the temperature of the processor in Windows10 in Everest (Aid64)? Everything is very simple! After starting the program, you need to enter the computer section on the left, and on the right side of the screen go to the sensor icon. After activating the icon below, a full picture of what is happening will appear.

Let's see, for example, how to find out the temperature.processor in Windows 10 on a laptop that is equipped with a 4-core processor. From the analysis of the data we can conclude that the beauty of this application lies in determining the temperature index for each of the four cores, not counting the other components, while the average temperature of the system board is displayed at the very beginning.

Core temp

Core Temp is another program that controls the temperature of the processor in Windows 10. How can I find out this figure with the help of this utility? It is also completely simple.

how to know the temperature of the processor in windows 10 on a laptop

The application itself, although it was originallydeveloped specifically to solve this problem, however, has impressive capabilities. The information contains the current, minimum and maximum temperature of each core, displays a complete package of information about the processor, and can even display the temperature controller on the "Taskbar". To activate it, in the service menu you need to enable a special applet G15. Conveniently? Highly! Among other things, the application assumes the use of additionally installed plug-ins, due to which both the capabilities and the reported information can be significantly expanded.


Now let's see how to check the CPU temperature in Windows 10 with the help of this utility.

how to find out the processor temperature in windows 10 in everest

The program itself is a general solution.to monitor the status of all components of the computer system and the processor as well. Its distinctive feature is the function of controlling the speed of rotation of cooling fans (a conclusion about this can be made at least from the name). But with its setting in manual mode, you should be extremely careful, and then when setting incorrect parameters irreparable things can happen, and some component will simply fail.


Before us is another powerful utility that gives an answer to the question of how to find out the processor temperature in Windows 10 or in any other system.

how to find out the CPU temperature in windows 10 without programs

In principle, it is quite similar toprevious programs, however, the information shows the current temperature, as well as the minimum and maximum recorded peaks. This also applies to other components. Most experts claim that this particular application is ideal for testing hardware at maximum loads (for example, when installing resource-intensive games).

Instead of the total

Теперь, когда мы разобрались, как узнать CPU temperature in Windows 10, it remains to say that this is done quite simply. And all those who claim that it is impossible to monitor the temperature indicator with the own means of the Ten are absolutely wrong. From the above it can be seen that this is not the case. However, beginners or not too sophisticated in this matter, users can advise the use of any program from the above, so as not to dig into the operating system.

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