/ / Tracing in Illustrator: description, features, views and recommendations

Tracing in Illustrator: description, features, types and recommendations

What is the trace function inIllustrator? It is used primarily for converting raster to vector. And this, in turn, is necessary for the manufacture of logos, various images of an advertising character.

Using tracing in Illustrator froma simple drawing, made by hand in pencil, to create a multicolor interesting graphic image. Adobe Illustrator is designed exclusively as a vector graphics editor. But today, designers use it for various purposes: for the manufacture of advertising booklets, greeting cards, logos. Vector graphics editor is used widely in publishing, as it has a large set of tools. With it, you can not only draw, but also manage color, text.

What is tracing for?

To answer this question, it is worthpresent the following situation. A designer develops a corporate identity for a particular company, and with it a logo. In the future, this sign will be used on the official website of the company, and on products, and on advertising banners. At the same time sizes are required everywhere different. Even with the most careful scanning, it is impossible to create the perfect bitmap. The only option is to use a vector editor. But to create an image from scratch in such a program is not the fastest and best way.

tracing in illustrator

The main task of tracing isobtaining a vector analogue. However, in practice, designers create not one such analogue, but several, which generally correspond in shape and proportions to the original bitmap image.

Create a sketch

So where to start?How to make tracing images in Illustrator? First of all, you should create a drawing that will be further processed in a graphic editor. Need to draw a sketch. Today, all sorts of inscriptions are quite common and popular, mostly in English. In order to figure out how to make a trace in Illustrator, we will use a similar plain drawing as an example.

image tracing in illustrator

Any design project begins with the creationsketch. This is not a work of art, but only a way to fix the idea. A person who does not have drawing skills can learn how to create sketches. To do this, you just need to be able to create geometric shapes on paper and, of course, know some tricks.

We scan

When the sketch is ready, it should be scanned.You can do this with a camera or phone. It is desirable, of course, that the quality of the device be as high as possible. The resulting image in GIF format should be transferred to a computer. Before scanning, it is advisable to outline the contours of the sketch with ink or a black gel pen. For what it is necessary to do, described below.

how to make tracing in illustrator

On the finished image in GIF format, madeby photographing the picture, the background is often greyish. But this flaw is easy to fix. In any graphic editor there are functions "Brightness" and "Contrast". Improve the quality of the photo can and such a simple program like "Photo Skype". After the image has been loaded into the editor, it is necessary to use the "Sharpen" and "Lighten" functions (the "Brightness, color" button). But in many ways the final result depends on the quality of the original image.

We translate into a vector image

Open "Adobe Illustrator".Click "File", then "Open." After you need to click on the image using the function "Selection". And proceed directly to the trace. In the "Illustrator" this function can be found by clicking on the "Object", then in the drop-down menu, select the item "Tracing". There is one more reason explaining why it is impossible to leave an image in GIF format. By tracing in Illustrator, we convert the raster image into a vector one. This allows in the future not to depend on the extension. You can change the scale of the picture many times, its quality will not suffer from this.

tracing in ss illustrator

It is important to remember that the original pictureshould be as contrast as possible. It should not be a lot of shades, tones. That is why the ideal option is a drawing made with ink or ink. Sketch in color does not make sense. It should be clear, black and white. What is manual tracing in Illustrator? This is the use of various tools ("Pen", "Brush") to give clarity to the picture.


Tracing has several levels.In order to choose the right one, you need to click on the "Style" button, then select the appropriate option. This may be the "Technical Drawing", "Black and White Logo". Starting work with the editor "Adobe Illustrator", as well as with other similar programs, it is worth experimenting more often, not relying solely on the instructions of professionals. Only in this way can one learn, gain experience. If the trace level does not suit, it is easy to cancel. To do this, click "Edit", then "Cancel" and try another option.

 manual tracing in illustrator

Fast tracing in Illustrator SS canfind in the "Object" tab. Then the "Trace Options" will open. Here you can choose a color mode. It is necessary to select the indicator 6 as the maximum number of colors, then click on "Tracing". If desired, the picture can be made more clear. For example, choosing "Maximum number of colors 60". Which of these options will be the best depends again on the original image. Here, too, it is worth experimenting, comparing different options.

Make changes

Already finished images can be further changed.many times. For example, make the letters smaller, more elongated. Some items can be permanently removed using the Eraser. In order to do this as accurately as possible, you should zoom in on the image.

tracing in illustrator

Delete, resize and shape individualelements can be using the tool "Knife". New parts are added using the "Brushes". Thanks to tracing the sketch reduce, change, edit. Raster images, that is, those who are engaged in the manufacture and sale of images, are regularly converted into raster images into vectors. We can say that tracing is the basis of vector illustration.

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