/ / "Skyrim": armor of the Nightingale. Mod for Nightingale Armor

Skyrim: Nightingale Armor. Mod for Nightingale armor

In Skyrim Nightingale armor is the rarestarmor. It can not be crafted from a blacksmith, steal from a steep opponent or an inveterate collector of armor, or pick up from a dead dragon. You can get it only by completing the quest.

Nightingale Armor


Armor Nightingale is unique in that, althoughis an easy type of armor, but in terms of indicators will not give way to heavy. In this armor it is convenient to run, fight, hide. Not to mention such standard interactions with other game characters like trade, exchange, dialogues, crafting items in the smithy and simply joint exploration of the Skyrim spaces.

Armor Nightingale allows you to move longer, helps slow accumulation of fatigue. And protection and impenetrability can be compared with high-end heavy armor.

skyrim nightingale

Skyrim: Nightingale armor. Where to get it?

To receive this armor, Dovakin will have toperform the task of the Thieves Guild - one of the gaming factions, whose headquarters is based in Riften. In the city itself, the existence of the guild is known, and for a long time. But the townspeople have got used to consider them as a bunch of drunkards, braggarts and petty thieves, who for their deeds are quite successful in their deserts.

If before visiting Riften protagonist alreadyfaced with the Dark Brotherhood, then surely I had to hear that Astrid is quite loyal to the Guild of Thieves, and even periodically sell them expensive gizmos.

In general, the very activities of the Guild itself are going badly. Someone blames this for a curse that ruined the head of the Guild, and someone claims that the intervention of the Daedra Princes was not without effect.

skyrim nightingale armor

Armor Solovinaya. Start

Для получения вышеуказанного доспеха, требуется complete the quest "The Revived Triad". The questgiver is Karliya, a dark elf archer from the Guild, who can be found in the Lush Jar, a tavern that is not located in Riften itself, but under it, in the dungeons. Despite the fact that the taverns are public places, only members of the Thieves Guild can be found in the Lush Jar. The rest of the inhabitants of Riften more refined tastes: they prefer the tavern "Bee and Sting."

Listening to Karlía in the Lush Jar, the player becomes initiated into the plan to catch the schemer Mercer Frey, who is the head of the Thieves Guild.

Dovakin should meet with Karlia and Brienolf near a large ancient stone outside the south-west of Riften, outside the gate.

The elf will hold Dovakin and Brienolf from the meeting place in the cave, saying that it is necessary to find a force capable of helping in the fight with Mercer Frey, who, as it becomes known, is the Nightingale.

Тропка, ведущая от камня, приведёт в пещеру (just follow Karlia), in which there is an initiation hall in the Nightingale. Touching an unusual stone bas-relief, Dovakin will receive the desired reservation, which can only be put on.

Skyrim retextury nightingale armor

Welcome to Nightingales

Далее последует ряд второстепенных моментов, which have more aesthetic significance: the pronunciation of the oath, participation in the ritual and the adoption of the main character (along with Brienolf) in Nightingales. This title is held by the hidden guards of the tomb of a Daedric princess named Nocturnal. Their responsibility is to protect the burial site from destroyers. After the death, Nightingales were promised a place in the possession of Nocturnal - Oblivion's plan called Ever-day.

Also, Karliah will tell that the opinion that the Order of Solovyov is a myth was planted intentionally in order to hide the true nature of the Thieves' Guild of Riften from those eyes.

nightingale armor

Light armor

Nightingale armor is a set consisting of the armor itself, shoes, gloves and a hood.

None of the kit parts can be forged inbut it can be improved with the help of the Salt of the Void. True, only to the level of excellent armor, even if the skill of the blacksmith at Dovakin developed to the maximum. However, with the help of potions and enchantments that increase the level of armor and weapons, you can improve the performance of armor to the legendary level.

Not taking into account the individual characteristics of the player, components have the following effects:

  • Nightingale Armor increases the stock of forces by 20–40 units, depending on the level (1–32 +, respectively). Increases resistance to cold from 15 to 50% with increasing levels.
  • Boots contribute to the silent movement of the wearer.
  • Nightingale gloves help break open locks.This lesson becomes easier by 15-25%. In this numerical range is the percentage of increase in damage from one-handed weapons - another effect of gloves.
  • The hood helps save mana spent by the spells of the school of illusions, from 12 to 17 percent (according to the growth level).

Total performance of the fully worn set:

  • Armor 69.
  • Weight 18.


In the Skyrim project, the mod for the Nightingale Armor is far from one; each of them has its own purpose.

  • Mod for booking for women - replaces the reservation for the beautiful half of humanity with a new model providing for “tactical neckline”.
  • Color mode - introduces various color variations for this armor in the game Skyrim. Nightingale armor does not change its performance. However, it changes the look.
  • Elite Nightingale Armor - a large mod thatmakes a series of changes to the game. Thanks to the modification, armor can now be crafted in the forge in the section with dragon armor. In addition to the standard set, raincoats and masks appeared. And also bugs were fixed for elven races associated with ears protruding through the hood. There is an opportunity to craft hoods without masks - especially for Argonians, Khajiites and just not fans of wearing masks.

Retexture modifications

In the game "Skyrim" of the Nightingale Armoralso implemented through mods. There were many. Particularly memorable was the mod from December 2012, which provided two options for improving the Nightingale armor set:

  • Standard replacement textures for higher quality, detailed, with detailed drawing of each lock.
  • The darkened version with a small number of removed elements, a stylized female version of the hood and mask, as well as the original icon on the chest.

The modification implied a complete replacement of textures with high-quality ones that worked with both male and female versions.

skyrim mod on nightingale armor

Reservation for all times

Of course, you should not forget about this option of obtaining armor, as the use of cheat codes.

Each element of the kit has its own ID, respectively, by entering the necessary command, you can get everything at once. A few more teams - and the armor is pumped to the maximum level (and even enchanted).

But it should be noted that this option is suitablefar from everyone, for fans of the classic Skyrim (even if it is slightly plastered with five or six modifications) are many times more than supporters of cheating.

Using codes is more suitable for loversplay Skyrim for two or three evenings, then throw the game away or uninstall it altogether. Such an approach spoils the overall impression of the game and makes it boring.

Therefore it is better to install the mod in "Skyrim"Nightingale armor, allowing you to craft your favorite armor in the forge, and enjoy the purchase. And so that the game does not seem too easy, you will have to climb almost the entire Skyrim in search of ingredients for the manufacture of armor in the forge. Repeat the route to find the right amount of Void Salt, and then repeat - to find the ingredients that can enchant the collection.

In any case, the impressions of wearing the armor remain unforgettable during the passage of the game Skyrim. Nightingale armor - one of the best armor in the project!

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