/ / How to remove subscribers "In contact" if they are bored with you?

How to remove subscribers "In contact" if they are bored with you?

Today we will answer a question that interests many users of the popular social network, namely how to remove subscribers "In contact". But to start a little general information.

Social networks have become an integral part of ourlife. For someone, they are just a way to communicate with friends and distant relatives, but for someone it's already their own virtual world, which takes much more space and time than reality. Social networks, of course, have both pluses and minuses, but let's not talk about the bad. Let's talk about what we really can be interesting and useful there.

If you are registered "In contact""Classmates", "Mail World", "Facebook", then you have great opportunities. Here you can find friends, relatives, colleagues and even make new acquaintances. You can upload your video or music, photos, or you can see what others have posted there. Participate in various communities and groups that unite many people according to their hobbies, tastes and even professional interests. A lot of entertainment in the form of games, puzzles and other applications will not let you get bored. And if the participants in the game are your friends and acquaintances, then this will add even more excitement.

All the advantages of social networks can not be counted, but we are not interested in this today.

We all know that the network "In contact" hasan opportunity, that is, a function by which we can witness the entire virtual life of any of its participants. It is only necessary to subscribe to the page of an important person for you and without any problems to be aware of every step in this social network. You will receive notifications that this person added new photos to their photo albums, uploaded new music or videos, made friends with a new person and much more.

If you have many subscribers, it flatter you and notit's just great, enjoy the fellowship. But, when a person subscribes to your profile, before which you absolutely do not want to show your life, there is a way how to remove subscribers "In contact". To do this, you do not need to be a sibling in the forehead, but you just have to look carefully at your page and those functions that the administrators and moderators of the site "In contact" explicitly suggest using.

So, how to remove subscribers "In contact"? Let us proceed directly to this easy and uncomplicated process.

If you go to your page, then in the leftthe top corner of your profile, under the photo, you can find a link to the page called "My subscribers". Clicking on it, you will go to the list of these curious users who are clearly not indifferent to your person. Having determined for yourself which of all these people you do not want to supply with unnecessary information for gossip, proceed to remove this subscriber from your page. To do this, click on the cross in the upper right corner of the photo. A page opens where you will be asked if you really want to put this user on the "Black list" or not. We press the magic button "continue" - and there is no subscriber.

The question of how to remove subscribers "In contact" already no longer bothers you? It's very simple, and you should not complicate your life with unpleasant meetings on the Internet.

And how to remove the subscription "In contact", if you have previouslyinterested in someone else's profile, but today there is no more interest? You should go to the page to this person and click on his inscription "Unsubscribe from updates" under his photo. Done, unwanted virtual communication is interrupted.

So we told you how to remove subscribers"In contact with". Now, when someone has become uninteresting to you, you know how to get rid of this superfluous person. Share your knowledge with your friends, maybe they will also need this information.

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