/ Vyksa Metallurgical Plant: contacts. Pipes of Vyksa Steel Works

Vyksa Metallurgical Plant: contacts. Pipes of Vyksa Steel Works

OJSC "VMZ" (Vyksa Steel Works) -the leader in the production of wheels for railway transport and pipe rolling. This is one of the oldest Russian industrial enterprises. He is a member of OMK-Holding.

History of creation

Vyksa Steel Worksiron ore district around the ancient town of Vyksa in Nizhny Novgorod province by merging several small enterprises of Batashevs industrialists. In 1768, at the lower dam of the Reserve Pond, the Lower Plant was built, consisting of 10 wooden hulls: two of them hammer, one housed eight horns, the other - four. In the remaining buildings stood crimping machines, ovens, nail with four hammers, sawmill. On the bank of the Lower Pond there are two wooden hammers and a stone two-story building with six mites and twelve boobies, a smithy, a large shoemaker, warehouses, a milling mill.

Vyksa Metallurgical Plant

At the Nizhne-Vyksunsky plant they produced:iron (strip, sort, sheet, tire, hoop), crochets, nails, wire, tools. In the late 1830s, the first puddling furnaces for the production of iron in pieces were installed by a new puddling method. In 1842, such furnaces were already 10, the capacity of each was up to 10 poods (96-100 kg).

By the middle of the XIX century, Vyksa Metallurgicalthe plant became bankrupt. He was given to the German Lessing. In the reconstruction of the Lessing period in 1892 the first open-hearth furnace for the production of steel was installed, in 1894 the open-hearth furnace shop appeared, which in 20 years had already four furnaces with a capacity of 12, 16, 18 and 25 tons. A new sheet rolling mill was also built. In 1907, pipe production was organized. With the outbreak of World War I for political reasons, the shops were transferred to the merchant Staheev, who in 1916-1917, together with the Ministry of Railways, built two new hulls for the production of road vehicles.

The Soviet period

After the arrival of the Bolsheviks, production earnedeven more intense. In 1923 a forklift shop was opened, in 1925 - a small-grade shop. 1.10.1928 on the basis of Nizhne-Vyksunsky, Doschatinsky and Verkhne-Vyksunsky enterprises, the united Vyksa Steel Works (VSW) was founded.

oyo Vyksa Metallurgical Plant

Until August 1929 the director of Vyksa Steel Works was V.I.Ustinov, then - VN. Mazurin. During the first five-year plans the plant developed and reconstructed. The open-hearth shop No. 2 was built, a small-scale workshop was reconstructed, and a great deal of work was carried out to electrify and mechanize production processes.

In 1930-1933, a nearby open-hearth furnace shop№ 2 and in 1935 - pipe № 2. In the people these four buildings were called the New Factory, in the documents it was listed as an enlarged NWZ. In the early twentieth century on the territory there were energy shops: steam power and electric.

Specialization and modernization

Since the Soviet period, JSC "VyksunskyMetallurgical Plant "retains leadership in the production of wheels for railway transport. Also traditional is the production of pipes. At the enterprise for the first time the powder metallurgy was mastered, and the pipe-electric welding shop No. 5 erected in 1985 was considered to be the most advanced one. In 1991, the technologically advanced pipe-and-electric welding shop No. 4 was commissioned. Thanks to the continued cooperation with RZhD and joining the United Metallurgical Company, VMZ not only survived in the 90s, but also preserved enviable production volumes.

Vyksa Steel Works

In the 2000s, modernization continued. The following were introduced:

  • A site for applying anticorrosive coatings (2000).
  • Bucket-vacuum furnace (2004).
  • Installation of local heat treatment of welded joints (2004).
  • Line of single-seam-longitudinal pipes of large diameter for gas and oil pipelines, up to 1420 mm (2005).
  • The shop of volumetric heat treatment of pipes (2007).
  • New casing production complex (2010).
  • Metallurgical complex MKS-5000 (2011) and other projects.


Pipe electric welding shop No. 4 is a prideenterprise. Today, the pipes of the Vyksa Steel Works are in demand in the oil and gas industry, but their implementation has been difficult. In February 1978, SMU-1 trust "Metallurgstroy" began pouring the foundation of the CHPP-4, where it was planned to produce gas-conducting multilayer pipes obtained from thin-sheet steel.

In 1982, the first stage of the workshop began productionpipes with a maximum diameter of 1420 mm, but because of the novelty of the process technology, multilayer pipes had a number of drawbacks. In 1987, the issue was temporarily discontinued, and the workshop was decided to be reconstructed using foreign technologies.

oao vms Vyksa Steel Works

In 1992Vyksa Metallurgical Plant produced the first single-seam-stub pipe, and then the production of 508-1020 mm products was launched, reached the flow capacity. Today, the products are manufactured by two independent lines on alternative technologies JCO-1420 and UOE-1020. VMZ in 1998 received a license from the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation for the production of trunk pipelines.

Marten Shop No.2

Vyksa Metallurgical Plant is famousfoundry production. Marten's shop No. 2 was built from 1930 to 1933 with two furnaces of 90 tons each to provide a sheet rolling shop with metal. After the war, two reconstructions were carried out with an increase in the capacity of the furnaces to 185 tons, and then to 250 tons each. In the 70's built furnace number 5, but in 2000 it was eliminated.

The first head of open-hearth shop No. 2 wasNesterenko SI - engineer-metallurgist, graduate of Ekaterinoslav (Dnepropetrovsk) Mining Institute. The first melting on the No. 5 furnace was released on September 28, 1933. Since 1941, the shop produces armored steel on 90-ton furnaces. Analogy to this was not only in our country, but also abroad. The shop always cared about the introduction of new technology and technology. In the 50's they switched to work with the main chromium-magnesite vaults instead of dynastic ones, introduced the automation of furnace thermal modes, built waste heat boilers and laboratory and household buildings.

ao Vyksa Metallurgical Plant

In the 60's mastered a new method of rapid analysismetal, have established vapor-vapor cooling of individual parts on furnaces. In 1974, the production of wheeled steel began. The first melting was released on June 18 of the same year. In 1985-1990, major repairs were carried out for all three furnaces with a change in their design. In 2006, the open-hearth shop became part of the wheel-rolling complex.

Wheel rolling shop

In 1969 the Vyksa Steel Worksbegan construction of the largest in Europe workshop for the production of railway wheels. The KPTS was declared an object of the regional strike Komsomol construction. The first line - the finishing line - was launched on 10/01/1973. Exactly a year later, the construction of the second stage was completed, which allowed to reach the design capacity for press production (650,000 railway wheels per year) and thermomechanical processing (850,000 wheels).

Vyksa Steel Works

Products are made of steel ownproduction. Equipment KPTS highly automated and mechanized. The workshop mastered the technical process of manufacturing solid-rolled wheels with a rim of increased hardness, a different disk configuration and machining of all elements. The main consumers are enterprises of the Ministry of Railways of Russia. In addition, the wheels are delivered to the CIS countries, South Korea, Serbia, the USA, Slovakia, Bulgaria, India, Indonesia, Vietnam. In 2006, the CPC was integrated with the open-hearth shop into a wheel-rolling complex.

The Museum

13.09.1958, the Executive Committee of the Vyksa City Council of People's Deputies adopted a decision to establish a public historical and revolutionary museum in Vyksa. From 1958 to 1987, the exposition was located in the Palace of Culture. Lepse.

2.07.In 1985 the owner's house of Batashevs' factory owners was transferred to the balance of the Vyksa plant. In January 1992, it acquired the status of the Museum of History of JSC "VMZ". Created by the efforts of employees-enthusiasts, local historians, residents of Vyksa, who shared exhibits, documents on the history of the plant and the city, the Museum of History VSW still stands at the service of society. He acquires, stores, explores, promotes and exhibits evidence of the history of the Vyksa Region.

Vyksa Steel Works Contacts

Vyksa Steel Works: contacts

  • The address: 607060, Nizhny Novgorod region, the city of Vyksa, Batashevs' street, 45.
  • Managing Director: Barykov Alexander Mikhailovich.
  • Contact number: (800) 25-01-150.
  • Fax: (83177) 37-605.
  • Reception: (495) 23-17-771, additional - 3903.
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