/ / What to do: there is no sound on the computer! Step-by-step instruction to solve this problem.

What to do: there is no sound on the computer! Step-by-step instruction to solve this problem.

U poorly trained and novice usersin the absence of acoustic support on a PC, the question arises: “What to do: there is no sound on the computer. How to be? Panic begins, which leads to the fact that they call a specialist or contact the service center. In any case, you have to pay for what you can do yourself. Moreover, there is nothing difficult in this, and anyone can handle this task, regardless of their level of training.

What to do there is no sound on the computer?


At the first stage it is necessary to check allswitching The volume control is recommended to set to the middle position. The plug from the speakers must be plugged into a wall outlet. The power switch on them is in the "ON" position. In this case, the corresponding diode on the front panel of the speaker system should be lit. If it does not work, then we test the speakers on a different outlet. If you get a similar result at another connection point, you need to send them to a service center or buy new ones. Most likely, hardware malfunction is in them, and it is problematic to eliminate it on their own by a novice user who is poorly versed in electronics and circuitry. If the indicator is on, then we check the connection of the speakers to the system unit. Here, the green pin from the acoustics should be installed in the socket on the motherboard of exactly the same color. For headphones, everything is much simpler - we check the connection to the system unit. For greater reliability, we check the performance of the speaker system. To do this, you can connect it to a radio, MP3-player or mobile phone and make sure that it works. This is the first stage in the case of what to do. No sound on computer and connection here. not to do with it? So, we proceed to the next stage and check the software component.

Computer settings


Next we need to adjust the sound on the computer.To do this, check the driver. Go to the address: "Start Control Panel Device Manager." In the opened window we look at the sound card. If there are no icons in front of it, then everything is fine, we check the settings. But if there is a question mark or exclamation mark, then you need to reinstall the driver. They can be found on the CD that came with it, or downloaded online from the official website of the manufacturer. Then we install, following the instructions of the master. Reboot the PC. After that, all the icons should disappear. If the sound does not appear, then you need to check the computer settings. To do this, in our case it will be enough to double-click on the speaker in the lower right corner of the screen. The sound card settings window will open. In it, the checkbox “Disable all” should not be checked. All sliders must be in an intermediate position. Then we do the testing of the system.


Next, answering the question: "What to do:there is no sound on the computer? ", we check the performance of the speaker system. In general, this should be done after each change. This will reveal the cause of the malfunction. Well, in the future it can be quickly eliminated. And the check procedure is as follows. We start any player (for example, Windows Media) and play any sound recording. If the sound appears, then the problem is solved. Otherwise, after all the recommendations of this article are followed, it makes sense to turn to a specialist for help.

Adjust the sound on the computer.


As part of this article, an answer was given to the question:“What to do: there is no sound on the computer. How to be? As it turned out, there is nothing difficult in solving the problem of the absence of acoustic accompaniment on a PC, and it can be solved even by a novice user.

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