/ / How to increase the microphone volume in Windows

How to increase the microphone volume in Windows

About using an ordinary homecomputer as a means of video communication, about 15 years ago you could only dream of. Indeed, before our very eyes the predictions of science fiction writers have become a reality. No one is surprised at the kind of microphone connected to the computer - this rather specific device. For a long time, the possibility of its connection was claimed by various musical groups of amateurs-enthusiasts (which is supported by the ASIO protocol), but gradually the situation changed.

Currently every self respectingThe laptop manufacturer integrates a microphone and a video camera into the product. The reason was a significant reduction in the cost of computer equipment, which made it accessible to everyone, as well as attractive price offers from Internet providers. The appearance of the famous Skype (Skype), supporting a full-fledged video communication, and later, and other similar programs, created the necessary software foundation.

Not surprisingly, many users likeapplications, and in combination, the owners of video cameras and microphones, so want to learn how to increase the volume of the microphone. The problem of hearing the interlocutor exists for a long time. Developers of programs interacting with the microphone constantly improve the mechanisms of sound trapping and transmission, so problems usually do not arise with how to increase the microphone volume. Its increase is one of the easiest ways to increase audibility.

Why from one microphone is audible well, and withanother - bad? It's all about sensitivity. It is she who determines how quiet the sound will be able to catch the device. The principle of operation of such devices is based on the transformation of sound pressure into electric current, which is subsequently amplified.

Obviously, "to increase the volume of the microphone"means to increase the gain. But here there is one feature. It is very familiar to owners of digital cameras with high sensitivity (ISO 1600 and more): with increasing gain, the amount of parasitic noise increases. So in the case of a microphone: excessive amplification of the signal leads to wheezing and frequency rupture. That's why when buying this device, you should choose the model with the maximum sensitivity, and not then look for a way how to increase the volume of the microphone. Unfortunately, judging by the questions on the forums, this is not followed by all the owners of the personal computer.

In how to increase the volume of the microphone, there is nonothing complicated. If the sound card drivers are installed correctly, then the crossbar icon of the speaker is displayed in the Windows task bar, next to the clock. After setting the cursor on it, you need to press the right mouse button and in the appeared menu select "Recorders". From the displayed list of devices that support recording, you must select "Microphone", usually it is the top one. Select it and click the "Properties" button. Then go to the "Levels" menu. Moving the slider to the left and right, you can, respectively, reduce-increase the gain, raising the audibility of the sound transmitted by the microphone. It should be noted that Microsoft intentionally set the gain at 66%. Too high a value will lead to wheezing, and insufficient will result in poor hearing.

Here you can also select the "+ 20dB Boost" parameter. This software gain is measured in decibels, complementing the above adjustment with a runner. It is recommended to enable "boost" and decrease the volume.

Now, any user will be able to figure out howincrease the volume of the microphone. However, despite this possibility, when buying a separate device it is recommended to refrain from buying too cheap models.

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