/ / Noise Level of the Air Conditioner.

Air Condition Noise Level.

When choosing and installing an air conditioner ispay attention to the noise level, if you are going to perform the installation in the bedroom or next to the window of nervous neighbors, then it is necessary to take into account the noise level that the outdoor unit emits. It is measured in decibels (dB), sounds with a level of up to 25 dB are almost not audible, the level of whisper is on the order of 25 to 30 dB, the volume of usual conversation and office space is 35-45 dB, all that above is a loud conversation or a busy street. For the modern split system characteristic noise level of the outdoor unit inrange 40-45dB, for the indoor unit - 25-35dB. You can see the volume of the indoor unit does not exceed the volume of the office space, so pay attention to this indicator is if installation of air conditioners for example, in a bedroom or in a private office.

It would seem that the choice is obvious, the lower the levelnoise, the better and comfort will be guaranteed. But this is not entirely true and it may turn out that an air conditioner with a noise level of 25 dB will work louder than the other with a 32 dB indicator. And there is no deception, because modern climate technology can work in different modes, and each has its own level. You need to be prepared that the split systems can make other sounds - gurgling, hissing, crackling, clicks. Humming and hissing freon can be heard when the compressor is turned on or off. Cracking can occur when compressing or expanding the housing parts when the temperature changes. Recognize the indoor unit that emits crackles, you can by cheap plastic, which is easy to distinguish from the expensive plastic of any other elite model. Clicks can occur when the compressor is turned on or off.

It is known that the air conditioner must be operatedonly with closed windows, so the volume of the outdoor unit is almost not audible, but it can be heard by neighbors who do not have air conditioning and all windows are open. Of course, the loudness indicator of a functioning outdoor unit does not exceed the level allowed for a residential area, but it can irritate neighbors, so it's good to think about the installation site.

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