Noise level

The noise is a chaotic mixture of different sounds. The physical characteristics of its loudness are decibels. They indicate the degree of sound pressure.

The noise level for a person innatural limits, is from twenty to thirty decibels. This loudness of sounds is not capable of causing any harm and is considered comfortable. For example, this noise is made by rustling leaves on the trees. However, each person gives individual preferences to a certain level of ambient sounds. There are people whose work capacity drops sharply if everything is too quiet. To eliminate discomfort, they can include background music. Silence for others must be broken only by ticking the clock.

The noise level, which is measured at a distancetwo meters from the housing, according to sanitary recommendations, should not be above fifty-five decibels. These are sounds from the usual conversation between people or a teapot boiling on the stove (if you are away from it in half a meter).

In the conditions of large cities, observance of these normsdoes not seem possible. This is facilitated by lively highways and new construction. The noise level in decibels from a car passing near you is about seventy. Motorcycle, bus and truck cause us even greater discomfort. Their noise levels reach a limit of ninety decibels. Thus, passing along the highway, a person catches sounds that significantly exceed the sanitary norm.

The noise level of railway stations and airports in our lives is the maximum. Trains and airplanes are capable of producing sounds whose loudness reaches a limit of one hundred decibels.

Increased background noise values ​​aredangerous to human health. If constantly on our organs of hearing affects sounds exceeding eighty decibels, then this situation is considered harmful to the body. Workers who work in such production conditions should periodically give directions for a medical examination.

The noise level, which reached the border at one hundred and thirtydecibel, can cause physical pain. A mark of one hundred and fifty causes loss of consciousness. One hundred and eighty decibels destroy the metal and lead to death. Fortunately, in everyday life such a level of pressure is extremely rare.

In order to understand how much the surroundingthe situation is harmful to your health, you need to decide how to measure the noise level. To do this, there is a special device, available in different versions. It is called a sound level meter. In order to measure the volume readings in living quarters, there are household, and in industrial - industrial devices. A wide range of noise meters is also available, which can catch the level of infra-and ultrasound.

Tones within the boundaries of low and highfrequencies, are perceived by us as more quiet. The sound level meter is equipped with a special electronic filter, which modulates various indicators and normalizes the measurements.

Constant loud sounds reduce our hearing.Strong noise can cause acoustic shock. This pathology can be acute or chronic. The first type of injury can be obtained from the harsh sounds that were heard in the immediate vicinity of the hearing organs (the whistle of the passing train, the rumbling of any installation). The consequence of this kind of impact can be:

- pain in the auricle;

- internal hemorrhage;

- swelling and displacement of cells located in the inner ear.

For a certain period, it seems to the person that the deaf has come. Sometimes loud sounds can cause a rupture of the tympanic membrane.

With constant long-term stay in a noisy room, there is an acoustic trauma of a chronic type. Its consequence is dullness of hearing.

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