/ / How to add a contact to WhatsApp: user's guide

How to add a contact to WhatsApp: user's guide

WhatsApp is an application that allowsusers to communicate on the network. This is a very interesting proposal. But how do I add a contact to WhatsApp? The decision of this issue we have to do. Fortunately, nothing special or difficult here. Perhaps, even the novice user can handle this task.

Let's solve the problem as soon as possible with adding contacts to your WhatsApp friends list.

What is it

Only at first we will understand exactly what we are dealing with. Social networks and applications for communication with each other are becoming more popular every day. And on the Internet there are new pages and suggestions.

how to add a contact to whatsapp

WhatsApp, as already mentioned - the service,intended for virtual communication. Something like a social network. But only in the form of an appropriate application. How do I add a contact to WhatsApp? The problem can be solved easily and simply. The main thing is for you to have the same name application on your smartphone / tablet, and also your friends were registered in this social network. All is ready? Then we proceed.

We are adding

How do I add a contact to WhatsApp? To do this you must be authorized in the program. After that, you will be taken to your profile. Just here, and all the action will take place.

Чтобы добавить друга, нажмите на "+" в правом the top corner of the screen (or the image of the magnifying glass). You will open a search string. Dial the number of your friend (he should give the address of his profile in advance) and search. Are you ready?

Now just look at the results andClick on "Add". As soon as a friend confirms your application, he will be listed in the "freelist". There is nothing difficult about it. From now on, we understand how to add a contact to WhatsApp. It is not as difficult as it seemed. If it was not possible to find the user, check that the friend’s profile address is correct.

In "Favorite"

There is also one very interestingreception on our topic today. The thing is that you can add your friends to groups. For example, "Favorite". It will help you quickly find particularly important people.

how to add contact to whatsapp group

How to add a contact to the WhatsApp group (section"Favorite")? To do this, just select one or another user in your "friendlist" and click on the "star" at the bottom of the screen. It is marked as Favorites. This is the group "Favorite". Now you can easily and easily find a friend in your contact list.

As you can see, adding friends to whatsapp is notsuch a difficult task. She is really easy to handle. If you have trouble finding friends, ask them to add to you. Also a good way to solve the situation very quickly.

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