/ / Blue screen of death: error codes and solutions

Blue screen of death: error codes and solutions

Blue screen of death - this is probably the main horror story for novice PC users. And no wonder, because from their point of view, it can appear at any time and break the computer with a probability of 146%.

However, this is a misconception because the blue screendeath error codes displays completely, unlike other windows that appear when an OS crashes. Newbies, of course, can get into a difficult situation if they don’t know what these codes look like and what kind of failure it says.

blue screen of death error codes

So, in what cases of blue screen errorsdeath can be corrected even by inexperienced users? Yes, almost everyone, because BSoD is an indicator of systemic, not hardware failures. In the second case, the computer usually does not turn on at all, i.e. not even the BIOS window will be shown.

But let's move on to the main topic.The blue screen of death is really blue, and the choice of this color was not accidental: with such a substrate, it is easier for the user to see text typed in white letters. Demonstrates the screen of death error code for quite a short time while the computer is conducting a memory dump, so it is advisable to always keep a smartphone nearby so that you can take a picture of the screen with all the error codes.


screen of death error code

The first one usually appears after the update.PC hardware stuffing (by the way, this is the very case when the blue screen of death shows error codes during a hardware failure). It is recommended that you troubleshoot DATA_BUS_ERROR by updating the main system drivers. This method works with almost one hundred percent probability.

The second error is a file system failure indicator.hard drive of your device. The problem is eliminated by carrying out the procedure of complete defragmentation of the hard drive. By the way, it will be useful for newbies to learn that defragmentation should be done at least once every two weeks, because if you forget about it, you can cool down the speed of the computer. After all, in order to open fragmented files, the device has to collect them all over the hard disk. Defragmentation helps to speed up this process and reduce the likelihood that the blue screen of death, the error codes of which simply frighten many, will appear.

The third error is more common becauseIt occurs due to improperly installed drivers. Do not worry, to fix it you do not have to poke around in the registry or call the wizard. Even the second computer is not needed. The best way to fix it will be to restore the OS using a special disk with a set of "treatment" programs. If you do not have this, then you should think about purchasing it or downloading it from the tracker. Disk recovery never hurts.

blue screen of death errors

Here, in fact, you and learned thatrepresents the blue screen of death, the error codes of which many refuse to understand. Remember: there is nothing difficult in fixing all the problems reported by BSoD. You just need to be a little bolder, because the computer doesn’t really burn out by reinstalling the drivers.

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