/ / League of Legends: guide to Ecco

League of Legends: guide to Ecco

One of the most popular characters in the "League"Legends "is currently Ekko.This is due to be difficult to say, but it is regularly found in both rating and ordinary games.Today we will try to give you the most useful advice and make a guide on Ecco, playing in different roles.

eco guide


Let's start with the fundamentals of the game League of Legends - Ecco. Hyde for any of the roles is almost impossible to compose, if the player does not know the basics and does not understand what tactics are involved.

  • Пассивное умение: "Резонанс".When dealing damage to the enemy, attacks or skills on them are buffed. Having accumulated four stacks, Ekko will deal additional damage and slow the enemy. If the blow is dealt over the champion, then the hero also accelerates.
  • Q - "Temporary key".The champion throws a special device into the indicated place, which deals damage, and slows all opponents in their way. After some time, it returns to the character and reapends damage.
  • W - "Parallel Convergence".It has two components. Passive part increases the damage of auto hits by Ecco on enemies with health below 30%. When activated, creates a field that explodes in 2 seconds and slows enemies down. If Ekko was inside at that moment, he gets a shield, and opponents are stunned.
  • E - "Фазовый скачок".Ekko makes a roll in the specified direction and charges his weapon with magic damage. Immediately after the breakthrough, the champion can make a second jump to the enemy champion in a small radius.
  • R - "Time management".Behind Ekko follows his shadow, which repeats all his movements in the last 4 seconds. Upon activation, the champion is moved to its position, restores health and deals a huge damage (1.5 * AP) to all targets at the point of displacement.

It is due to the ultimate ability of the guideon Ekko can turn out so versatile. The fact is that the gain to the damage turns out to be incredibly high for the skill, beating over the area, so with a successful implementation the enemy can get huge damage even from the champion collected in the tank.

eco top guide

Talents (tank)

One of the positions on which one can find Ecco,- The top. Hyde, which you read, is designed for several variants of pumping, since the top line is now used by both tanks and mages. Why is this champion good as a "fat" character?

The first reason is his shield, obtained from the third ability. Given the large increase in its strength from AP, this will allow even with small strengths of skills to get good protection.

The second reason is the ultimate skill (R).Amazing otkhil, tied to the amount of damage received from the enemy in the last 4 seconds. In other words, the more damage you get, the more you restore when you activate the skill.

Now let's look at the talents that are needed if your Ecco is a tank. Hyde is designed for the fact that you know exactly what you are doing when choosing this role. Begin the flow from the branch "Bravery".

  • Regardless of where you are at, take the "Recovery" for health regeneration.
  • Then "Hard skin" to reduce the damage from minions or forest monsters.
  • After that, take "Runic Armor". It will increase not only the effectiveness of your skills, but also the recovery from health cans.
  • Since you will collect the appropriate items on the tank, you will also need "Insight".
  • "Elan" will need to have time to fly into the crowd of enemies.
  • The last skill is better to take the "Strength of the Centuries", because the "Snake of the Undead" fires only with 5 blows, and "Stone Ties" is unlikely to help save the teammates.

eko forest guide

The remaining points can be spent in different ways.based on what position you play. After all, the best place to play for Ekko - forest. The guide assumes that the player will think before starting to “mine” any character.

  • If you chose the top, then you can use the "Frenzy" branch. "Fury", "Feast", "Talent" and "Persecutor" will be a good help for your character.
  • For Ekko-forester it is better to take talents from "Cunning". "Ferocity," "Runic resemblance," "Ruthless" and "Dangerous game."

Artifacts (tank)

Of course, little to know how to properly pumpcharacter, you still need to be able to pick up artifacts. Ekko is a character that depends heavily on his health and skill, so he does not need to pick up a lot of armor.

  1. If you took this champion into the forest, then the first artifact will be the "Hunter's Machete", which then improves to "Blade of the pursuer" with the enchantment of "Echo".
  2. Then you will definitely need shoes onprotection. Look at the situation, if you have strong adk, then take "Tabi Ninja". A lot of control or magic damage? Your choice is "The footsteps of Mercury." Do not have time to reach the enemy? Try the "Boots of Swiftness".
  3. "Sandy hours Zhoni" will not only give strength to skills, but also armor. Also will save you in a critical situation, if the opponents switch their attention to your person.
  4. "Medallion of iron solariums". Protection from magic, health and, of course, a shield for all allies.
  5. Protective items should be selected on the basis ofthe situation. For example, to enhance magic protection, it is better to take the "Vestments of Spirits", which will also drop your skills. "Banshee curtain" blocks one directional skill, but does not save from the focus of the opponent.
  6. To enhance physical protection, it’s better to choose the Randuin's Omen. In a crowd of opponents, you can slow them down and then stun them by throwing a “W” on top.
  7. To increase the damage there are many items. For example, "Scepter of Relai", which also gives health. But the Hextech Protobelt, which gives an additional spurt, is much better suited.

league of legends eco guide

Talents (AIC)

Also worth mentioning is a separate eco guide.(mid) acting as a caster. The decision is not the best, because he has to go for hand-to-hand fighting. But this trend is observed in many players.

The main focus of Ekko-mage is on the talents of "Tricks". This is primarily due to the final skill at level 18.

  • First, take the "ferocity" for finishing creeps.
  • Then "Assassin" and "Merciless" to increase damage.
  • "Dangerous game".
  • "Accuracy".
  • We finish everything with the Order of the Lord of Thunder.

The remaining points go to "Fury." "Sorcery", "Feast", "Persecutor" and "Talent" - all to increase the instantaneous damage.

Artifacts (AIC)

The ideal option for Ekko-maga will be artifacts that give both the power of skills and health. These are the following subjects:

  1. "Liandry's torment." It will also increase magic penetration and inflict additional damage depending on the current health of the target.
  2. Hextech Protobelt.
  3. Rylai's Crystal Scepter.
  4. "The rod of the ages." Increases its characteristics over time.

Total, we got enough "thick", but a cotton wizard. To enhance its protection, you can use various combinations of artifacts.

  1. "Tabi Ninja" will give physical protection, and the second subject can take the "Banner of Power" to increase the magical resistance and power skills.
  2. Mercury's Treads will protect against spells, and Zhonya's Hourglass will protect against physical attacks.

eco guide

Talents (warrior)

In general, there is no such game role.But some players playing on the top, trying to collect Ecko in auto attacks. Quite a controversial idea, because you need to survive for quite a long time next to the enemy. Let's start the guide on Ekko with "Fury":

  • "Witchcraft".
  • "Feast".
  • "Inborn talent".
  • "Persecutor".
  • "Sharp mind".
  • "The heat of battle."

For better stability, use the "Bravery":

  • "Recovery".
  • "Tough skin".
  • "Runic Armor"
  • "Insight".

eco tank guide

Artifacts (Warrior)

However, this is where the logical recommendations of the players end, and instead of artifacts for protection, they begin to swing the power of skills:

  • "Boots magician" for punching.
  • "The rod of the ages."
  • "Thunderstorm lich" to enhance auto attack after somersault.
  • "Rabadon's death hat".
  • Zhonya's Hourglass.
  • Rylai's Crystal Scepter.
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