/ / Setting up a local network through a router

Configuring the local network through a router

To date, the creation of a local network throughthe router became so possible that even a beginner can cope with this. All you need for this is a computer, Internet access, and actually the router itself. Regardless of its model, the process of creating and configuring the local network is the same.


Configuring the local network through the router on the OSWindows XP starts by disabling security programs on the home computer. If you have a firewall or other network security software installed, you should disable them for a while so that there is no traffic blocking on the local network.

To configure the local network through a router, andtwo or more computers can recognize each other and get open access, they must be placed in the same working group, under any name. How to do it? Follow the instructions:

  • Select the "Properties" tab by right-clicking the "My Computer" icon;
  • We go further to the tab "computer name", then click the button called "change";
  • In the field of the working group, enter the required name and press "OK".

Next, go to ip-addresses.To configure the local network through the router, the ip addresses of all working computers must be located on the same subnet. It should be noted that by default all PCs receive the following settings from the router:

  • IP address;
  • Main gate;
  • Subnet mask;
  • DNS - server with addresses.

There are times when setting up a local network throughA router is not possible without enabling NetBios. To overcome this obstacle, go to "Network Connections" through the control panel and call up the TCP / IP configuration window. Enables NetBios in additional options, on the "General" tab. This completes the configuration.


Creating a local network through a router on Windows 7has significant differences, so you should write about the configuration separately. First you need to know the name of the computer. To do this, go to the "Properties" section, where we will need to find the "change parameters" tab. Further, after changing the machine name and the name of its workgroup, you need to reboot so that the changes become active and take effect. Attention! The name of the PC must be indicated in Latin letters, otherwise the configuration of the local network through the router can contain irreparable errors. Then configure the automatic receipt of the address and DNS:

  • Select "Control Panel";
  • The center that manages public access;
  • Local Area Network> Properties;
  • Select TCP / IPv4 and set the checkbox to automatically receive the IP address.

To configure the local network throughThe router was successfully completed, you need to enable NetBios. To do this, go to another section, called Internet Protocol properties, select "Advanced" and in the "WINS" tab put the checkbox "Enable NetBios". Click "OK". At this stage of your actions, setting up the LAN through the router is considered complete. Restart the computer, and you can enjoy the benefits.

It should be noted that if you have company routersTP-Link or Belkin, the computer can be configured in two ways, depending on the type of connection. If you connect the equipment with wi-fi, then the first thing to do is set the necessary properties for the wireless connection. If you connect a router using a network card and a blue cable (patch cord), then you should set the LAN properties to automatically obtain IP addresses.

Regarding the setting of the login and password foraccess to the router itself, then regardless of the model chosen, the settings go through the standard form. To do this, in the browser window enter the address specified on the back cover of the equipment (for example and then enter the desired settings.

Now you can safely start and independently cope with the task. Success with proper execution is guaranteed to you!

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