/ / Configuring the router: brief description

Configuring the router: a brief description

Home Internet users usuallyface the problem of distributing Internet traffic to several devices. The most common way for this is to use a router. It is not enough to just buy it. Configuring the router is also important in order to accomplish the intended. Consider the solution of this problem using the example of the TRENDNET device, which is the most convenient in activation and regulation.

configure the router
Take our router.Setup usually starts with the installation disk that comes with the kit. Most often it helps to solve the problem. So, we connect the provider cable to the network adapter of the computer and activate WiFi. At the same time, we remember security. Then insert the disk into the drive and click on the word "Installing the router" in the opened label. We go into the setup of the network card and in the TCPIP protocol we include the receipt of IP addresses automatically.

Sometimes the configuration of the router is very simple.It is worth doing all of the above, and there is a very high probability that the Internet will work for you. Start the browser, if the page does not open, perform the following action: make a RESET device by clicking on the corresponding button. Reboot and then perform the same operations again. The network has appeared!

Configuring a trendnet router
If the connection is made usingcable patch cord, it's still easier. We connect with his help a personal computer and a router, the PC itself will give out a special button in the lower right corner, pressing which you can quickly insert all the parameters mentioned above.

But in life happens different. It also happens that the installation disk is unusable or damaged. And the configuration of the router in this way is impossible. What are we going to do?

The procedure for setting up the distribution of the Internet is complicated,but there is a solution. To begin with, we do everything the same as in the previous case. Then we need to get into the settings of the router itself. Open your favorite browser by typing in the address bar: As the login and password, write the word admin.

router setup
Then manually write down all the necessary data.Despite the fact that the router itself is a good enough antivirus, we put our own passwords in the PASSWORD section. Now you need to register WAN: connection type - PPPoE, service name - Lanport, user name - specify contract number, password - come up with a new password, duplicate the password, automatic reconnection - Always-on.

Now watch the section STATUS.After a certain time there it should be indicated that IP-addresses by all devices are received. Setting up the TRENDNET router is complete, it remains only to make sure that the Internet has earned. It happens that the first time does not work. We do RESET and again we repeat everything.

If you want the network connection to beuninterrupted and stable, then perform one more procedure - Wi Fi-authorization. To do this, in the same router adjustments, open the Wireless-Basic section and set the SSID - no less than 10 characters long. Now, if you want to connect any device to the network from the router with each of them, you will need to repeat this procedure.

That's all. We have figured out how to configure the router, and made sure that there is nothing complicated in this. Even an ordinary user can do it.

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