/ / What is "inviz": game terminology

What is "inviz": game terminology

About what "Inviz" is, everyone is interested inuser of online games genres MMORPG and MOVA, when he hears for the first time such a designation. This game slang comes from the English word and denotes everyone a known state.

Explanation of the term

What is "invis", it is important to know on the initialstages, so as not to get confused in the speech of teammates or a group. In such games, everyone communicates with the use of terminology, and it is difficult for a beginner to delve into all the subtleties. The word originated from English invisible and means the effect of invisibility. The ability to hide from the eyes of the enemy is the main game tactic for the heroes of the Killer or Thief classes, depending on the name in the game.

What is Invitation

When pumping such an archetype, it is important not to knowjust what "Inviz", but also how it works. Usually invisibility is divided into short-term and permanent. It is used by a spell or built-in skill. In some games, it may be given items ("DotA 2") or special scrolls.

Subtlety of application

Understanding what is Invisibility in this or thatproject is not enough. It is necessary to study the subtleties of the application, and then the skill will be useful. For example, in MOVA projects, invisibility can be used to suddenly appear on the line and help the team allies. Enemies will not be able to quickly navigate to the sudden appearance of a rescue team from nowhere, and the account will necessarily change in a positive way. To the characters of the Assassin class, the effect provides the basis for all combat operations. Usually, along with the invisibility of the hero has an increase in damage from the back, a high chance of a critical attack. Such fighters are too weak to openly use attacks, and therefore their mechanics is based on the ability to often dissolve on the battlefield.

invise what it is

Most often, they have in their arsenal andshort-term, and permanent effect. The first lasts for some time, usually 3-10 seconds. The second is interrupted when receiving damage, casting a spell, or entering the battle. In the battle often such heroes can save only this skill. Precisely because it is an "inviz" and how to apply it, it is important to know each user.

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