/ / Connecting the computer's motherboard

Connecting the computer's motherboard

Deciding on an independent assembly of the systemblock, many face a number of issues. One of them is the connection of the motherboard. For those who do not quite clearly imagine the internal arrangement of the computer, let us recall it. The main element of any personal computer is the motherboard.

connection of the motherboard to the case
This is a large sheet of multilayer textoliterectangular or square shape, on which electronic components are separated-transistors, microcircuits, diodes, etc. All of them are connected in a single system by a network of conductive paths. There are also connectors for connecting expansion cards - video adapter, RAM modules, other components. Since the topic of our article is the connection of the motherboard, we note one important point. Sometimes - with visible damage to electronic components - there can be a crazy idea of ​​simply replacing them, using a soldering iron, ignoring the service center. Although sometimes such an approach proves effective, you need to understand that the sheet of the textolite of the motherboard is multilayered. That is, two visible parties are not limited. Therefore, when soldering, quality and accuracy are important.

motherboard connection
Connecting the motherboard begins with itsfixation in the case of the system unit. Some manufacturers stamp special metal protrusions in the metal around the mounting holes, making it virtually impossible to touch the conductive elements accidentally. Others leave this moment "on the conscience" of the user. First, the card is carefully applied to the inner wall of the case, the holes are marked - there are usually more of them, since the manufacturer does not know the size of the board used. In the holes screwed copper sleeves-adapters. The board is attached to them with the help of small bolts. For fixing, you can also use special plastic snaps-fungi, in which case bolts and sleeves are not needed. In fact, it does not really matter how the motherboard is connected to the chassis. The main thing is to ensure that the protruding solder is not shorted to the conductive body. A small recommendation: if the board somewhere sags ("plays") due to the lack of a hole for fixing, then between this site and the metal you can place a clerical eraser.

connecting the power supply to the motherboard
Further connection of the motherboardis to use the lead-out pads. On any case there are buttons, port connectors. To connect them to the board on the latter there are combs of pins-contacts. Polarity and placement order are given both in the instruction and are indicated on the textolite. It is necessary to combine the matching inscriptions. For example, the terminal block at the end of the wire is marked RST "+" and "-", so you need to find the same designation (Reset) on the board and connect the pins.

The power supply is then connected to themotherboard. The board on the board and the plug from the power supply can not be overlooked. When connecting, it is important not to exert great effort, since the very form of the connector does not allow you to make the wrong connection - it is impossible to make a mistake in this case.

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