/ / Console commands: list with description

Console commands: list with description

By the term "game console" is understood the commandA string that is part of the user interface. It is used to introduce special console commands, which have different effects on the gameplay. Currently, no such popular project can do without such a function. Usually the console is hidden, and access to it can be obtained in several different ways. For example, the command line for the popular game Dota 2 opens through the parameters of the start "Steam".

Console commands for KSS, Doty, Skyrim,recently released Kingdom Come Deliverence and other well-known projects - that's the theme of our today's article. However, before you begin to deal with specific examples of using the developer console, you need to talk about the origins of this function.

First use

Initially, the appearance of the console in video games wasdue to the need to use debugging. Debugging is called the stage of developing computer programs, during which you can detect, localize and eliminate various errors.

With the introduction of the interface for the introductionconsole commands began to appear more and more games that use this function. The special popularity of using consoles came to those platforms on which the implementation of complex interfaces for one reason or another was impossible.

console commands kc

The most striking examples of projects with the commandThe genre of text quests and multiplayer online games (MUD) is considered a string. It is in such games that the so-called pseudo-natural language is widely used.

Why do you need console commands?

Many graphic games use the console foreasy access to the configuration. This is done because the implementation of all commands using the menu system is not always user friendly. The first such game was the classic Quake. As a rule, the button "~" (better known as "tilde") plays the role of the standard button that calls the console. Sometimes, the Enter key is used instead of it, and a combination of Shift and D is used less often.

Console commands allow you to conduct moreoperative manipulation of the internal settings of the video game. The use of the menu in this case recedes into the background. For example, the nameTerminator command set is much simpler and faster than searching and changing the corresponding name in the main menu.

Another application of the teams is aimed atchange settings for the location of hot keys. Such a technique can easily deceive or mislead an opponent in a multiplayer match. An example in this case is the well-known unbindall command, which cancels the use of all hot keys, including those that are responsible for the movement of the character. Also, console commands can be used by modders who are free to create and add new values.

Counter Strike and Cheats

"Counter Strike" is one examplesuccessful projects that support the use of the command line. It is noteworthy that in addition to the standard requests that are officially included in the game, gamers are very popular with a different category of console commands for "KS Go" - cheats. With their help, the player can give his character special, not entirely honest skills. Usually, the cheats are used by beginners, who are just beginning to get acquainted with the game.

console commands

Console commands for CS are also entered throughA console that opens only after the CS application is started. Direct start is carried out through the standard "~" key (Russian "E", or "tilde"). After the command line is called, it is worthwhile to load internal maps. The necessary code for this action is simple - map.

All cards have unique articles that allow you to understand their purpose:

  • ar is the arms race;
  • se - the map was subject to modification, use only for competitive purposes, lack of components that overload the game process;
  • gd is a protection card;
  • de - lack of mining;
  • cs - the presence of hostages.

Required and often applicable console commandsCOP is a huge variety. For example, using the code sv_grenade_trajectory1, the player gets information about the fall path of the grenade, and sv_showimpacts1, in turn, will help with tracking the trajectory of the bullet.

Also with the help of codes you can set up shooting- one of the main components of Counter Strike. There is an opinion that this characteristic is configured only through options, but this is completely wrong. There is a large number of console commands for shooting, engaged in the selection of equipment and the installation of a sight. Detailed lists of teams for Counter Strike and other games provide thematic communities and forums.


Use of the admin line in that oranother game is the best example of the main charms of PC gaming. Of course, Skyrim was no exception. Using codes and cheats helps the user to enjoy new opportunities and add diversity to the already familiar gameplay. However, it should be noted that the activation of console commands in "Skyrim" leads to blocking the opening of achievements on Steam. E Fortunately, this effect is not permanent, so you can get rid of it simply by restarting the game.

console commands

The console itself opens in the standard way -through the "~" key. Using commands is not something official, so some codes can lead to different problems: falling out of the game world, glitch, etc. On this basis, we recommend that you make frequent save and give preference to checked cheats.

Examples of codes for "Skyrim"

The most commonly used console commands are as follows:

  • tgm - the mode of full invulnerability;
  • tcl - removes the boundaries, the character is able to move to absolutely any point in the game world, even to fly up to the sky;
  • unlock is a useful command that helps with the breaking of locked doors or chests; Now Dovakin can forever forget about finding the necessary keys and pumping a special skill;
  • psb - gives access to all spells simultaneously;
  • player.advlevel - automatically raises the level of the character;
  • caqs - automatically completes the ruler of the main quest;
  • showracemenu - helps to change the appearance of the protagonist at any time and in any place.
console commands cheats

7 Days to Die

For many of those who enjoy the passagethis video game, it will be great news that it can also use console commands and codes. Activating cheats in 7 Days to Die (as in other games) allows you to access certain features that are not available to ordinary users. For example, a player can easily change the time of day or rewind a few days ago in time to prepare for the attack of the horde.

Using console commands allowsuser to call various enemies: a spontaneous crowd of zombies, living dead of a certain type, animals, etc. They are also destroyed with the help of a console. If you do not want to engage in a long pumping, you can always resort to using special codes to raise the experience. The points thus obtained are distributed according to the same rules as the standard ones.

The command line at 7 Days to Die is calledin several ways: either through the "tilde", or with the keys F1 and F2. On what depends the difference in the buttons so far - is unknown. As always, full lists of all possible console commands can be found in free access.

Dota 2

The command line in "DotA" does not openin the standard way - to start it must be activated through the parameters of "Steam". How can this be done? Especially to help beginners, we have prepared a little instruction on this topic.

  1. Open the Steam client "a - click on the library - click on the Dota 2 icon and select" Properties ".
  2. Before us, a window with a text field, in which you need to enter "- console" (without quotes and space) - click OK.
  3. Run the game Dota.
  4. Use the hot-key command line "" (it can always be changed).
  5. Type "con_enable1" (without quotes and with a space before the unit).
  6. We leave the game and remove the "- console" value that was set earlier from the text field. This is done so that the console does not appear automatically every time the game is started.
console commands

Dota 2 codes for a single player

Below we will give an example of several useful console commands for "DotA", which are intended for single passage:

  • -lvlp x - helps to increase the lvl character for any given value of x (from 1 to 25, as the level of maximum pumping reaches twenty-five);
  • -gold x - used in case the hero needs additional gold; instead of x, the player sets an eigenvalue;
  • -spawncreeps - lines are filled with creeps, multiple use is possible;
  • -kill - this code is used to kill your own character;
  • -refresh - performs a recharge of all abilities and helps to restore the maximum reserve of HP and MP;
  • -spawnon | -spawnoff - commands used in test matches, with their help you can control the connection and disconnection of creeps;
  • -noherolimit - allows the use of the maximum number of characters, that is, disables the limit.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

It is worth immediately warning that the use ofcodes and cheats in a recently released game can entail a number of technical problems. Also, it is possible that the Stimov achievements can be turned off.

If the above-described prospect does not frighten, thento begin with it is necessary to understand with how to launch a command line. The good news is that you do not have to deal with .ini files or access external tools for help. Despite the fact that the game Kingdom Come: Deliverence came out just recently, its developers in advance took care of easy access to the command line. It opens with the standard "~" key (tilde, "E"). In the appeared console all the necessary codes and cheats, available at the moment, are entered. After this it is necessary to press the Enter button so that all commands are activated.

armor commands come

Basic Codes

Early access to the game allowed gamers to use cheats to add gold and items:

  • wh_cheat_money [n] - some gold coins are in the protagonist's inventory (do not forget to add a space before the square bracket);
  • wh_cheat_addItem [x] [n] - a number of additional items for different purposes appear in the inventory (do not forget to specify a space between x and n).

Console commands Kingdom Come use the values ​​of x and n for different purposes: x replaces the name of an object, and n is any numerical value that the player substitutes.

Fallout 4

The last creation of Bethesda from the series"Fallout" also uses the developer console. We decided to talk about the most important and useful cheats that will be useful for every user who decided to go on a trip to the radioactive wasteland of the United States.

  • tgm - invulnerability and unlimited inventory;
  • kill - kills any hero in the game;
  • tmm1 - the disclosure of all places and markers on the in-game map;
  • killall - this code kills all the enemies of the main character that are nearby;
  • tcl - the character gets the ability to pass through any wall;
  • activate - with this code you can open a locked door that did not need to use keys or keys;
  • unlock - opens doors that are locked with passwords or strong locks; as for the story doors, then this console command-cheat can not work on them;
  • resurrect - resurrects any hero under the mouse cursor;
  • player.addperk - the main character learns perk.
console commands for shooting

Even more unique console commands for the fourth part of "Fallout" can be found at special forums devoted to the game series.

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