/ / Repair your video card yourself. Iron

Repair the video card yourself. Iron

Where did the screenshots come from?multicolored outbursts and stripes unnaturally tearing the integrity of the displayed image, as well as "cubic" blotches - all this and much more, falling under the definition of "visual artifacts", can say one thing: the graphic substation of the computer is faulty. Naturally, in such situations it is required to repair the video card. It is sometimes difficult to do this with your own hands, but it is also possible, as practice shows, sometimes even useful. Since in the process of repairing your computing device much of the previously unknown to the user becomes understandable. If you want to understand all the subtleties of restoring a video card - read this article.

Repair your video card yourself

Instead of introducing

Before starting the project:"Repairing the video card with your own hands," you need to understand the cause of the failure. Probably, for you, dear reader, there is no news that any computer malfunction concerns either the hardware or the software part of the computing device. In our case, the first type of failure will be considered. That is, as they say in the circles of "advanced" users, we will "dig on the iron." Well, let's get going.

Beginning: from simple to complex

В некоторых случаях волнения пользователя по about the cardinally changed picture on the screen of the monitor is completely vain. Are you surprised? Nevertheless, repairing the video card (with your own hands, of course) can consist of fairly simple manipulations. Be extremely attentive, and you will succeed!

  • If a discrete-type graphics adapter is installed on your PC, then it is likely that the "iron problem" appeared as a result of dust pollution.
  • Turn off your computing device and remove the video card from the motherboard's slot.
  • Clean the pad of the graphics module with a conventional eraser or alcohol solution.

Согласитесь, это действительно просто!If the BIOS does not see the installed video adapter, first of all it is necessary to carry out this kind of maintenance and only in the absence of a positive result proceed to further actions.

Game surprises: repair of Asus video cards and not only
Repair of video cards Asus

Наверное, было бы правильно начать именно с того, that often the malfunctions in the operation of graphic substations are associated with a malfunctioning cooling system. Due to the last GPU-microprocessor, as well as some components of the video adapter are exposed to critical temperatures. Naturally, that's why the once quickly unfolding game scenario with the onset of a hot time "H" and turns into a "nervous simulator." To correct this type of difficulty, proceed as follows:

  • Remove the video adapter from the PC case.
  • Clean the cooler from the dust layers and the radiator grille associated with it.
  • In some cases, it makes sense to lubricate with a special silicone or conventional engine oil rotational axis.

If the above described has not produced the desired effect, it will be necessary to replace the cooling element, in particular, the cooler.

"Hot" solutions for integrated graphics card

Prices, as is known, on graphic substationsdiscrete type can sometimes repel an ordinary user of his frightening high cost. This is especially true when it comes to gaming video adapters. As a rule, when acquiring a computing device, the novice user relies on the "built-in graphics capabilities" of his PC.

video card prices

Однако и в таких случаях могут возникнуть some "hot" troubles in the work of the integrated GPU-microchip. It should be noted that the above procedure for restoring the "cold reason" of a discrete video card can only be applied to embedded graphics chips. Since the cooling system of the latter does not have a mechanical element - a cooler for removing heat. Therefore, the algorithm for restoring the working capacity of the integrated video card is somewhat different, but nevertheless it can be used for "independent" graphics modules.

A little digression: about the warranty inconvenience ...

Если вы все-таки решились на самостоятельно the repair of the nVidia video card (also applies to ATI products), then it’s time to think about how appropriate this event is? In the event that the manufacturer’s warranty obligations have not lost their relevance (in terms of time frames), it is wiser to use the services of one of the service centers for servicing the purchased device. If you are confident in your abilities and do not have another opportunity to return the performance of your GPU-processor, then apply the following recommendations in practice.

Replacement of thermal paste

Repair of video card nVidia

It's about a special substance thatIt is applied to a GPU microchip to increase the level of heat transfer between the interacting elements of the cooling system (microcircuit - radiator). Carrying out a comprehensive repair of Asus video cards or a graphic substation from any other manufacturer, the specialist will definitely replace the thermal paste. However, the process of applying the above substance is quite simple, see for yourself:

  • Carefully remove the cooling elements from the video card.
  • Use a clean cloth to wipe off the remains of the hardened substance from the surface of the GPU chip and the adjacent side of the radiator.
  • Apply a thin and uniform layer of thermal paste on both planes.
  • Reinstall the graphics module.

    Laptop Video Card Repair

A few words about restoring portable GPU modules

Repair graphics card is absolutely identical.As in the case of stationary computers, the performance of the graphics adapter laptop is restored by the same algorithm. However, due to some design features of laptops, access to a video card of certain models can be very difficult. Well, if you consider that in “constrained circumstances” you need to carry out maintenance of two graphic adapters, then for a beginner it would be wiser to seek specialized help from professionals in their field, that is, to a service center. Another thing is when unscrewing two or three screws in the back, the user can get full access to the cooling system and video card. Only in this case there is every chance of safely making an independent repair.

Fix the hottest issue: GPU overheating

DIY video card repair after exposurecritical temperatures are, in principle, possible. However, one should not trust the advice of “heterogeneous” experimenters, who unanimously - and with fanatical conviction - assure Internet users that the iron and oven can be used as a kind of technical device for restoring “floated” BGA balls.

Video card after repair

We assure you:if one of the soldering points of the GPU processor, as they say, has moved, then contact can be restored without serious consequences only with the help of special equipment - a soldering station. However, sometimes the usual thermogun (industrial hairdryer) can be a saving alternative. But in this case you need to know about some microelectronic nuances ...

So, how to make such a video card repair at home?

  • The heat gun must be equipped with (really truthful!) Indicator of forced temperature, and it must be regulated.
  • Remove all plastic parts from the video card (cooler, latches and other fixing elements).
  • Prepare one small piece of foil in advance,in which cut the window corresponding to the size of the GPU chip. The rest of the graphics adapter area (at a certain time of warm-up) must be covered by the above-mentioned thermal protection material.
  • Secure the video card on a flat and not afraid of high surface temperatures.
  • Set on a thermogun 150 ° C and in a circular motion for 3-5 minutes, warm the entire plane of the graphic module.
  • Then translate the regulator of the hair dryer to the position of 300 ° С.
  • Using a protective foil pattern (cover all the details of the video adapter, except for the GPU chip), warm up the graphics chip in one circular motion for a maximum of two minutes.

Video card repair at home

Wait until the moment of complete cooling and onlythen check the performance of the visual effects module. In most cases, video cards after repair (heat treatment) last long enough. By the way, do not forget to inspect the graphics card for swollen or punched capacitors - definitely, you need to replace those ...

Summing up

So today you learned how to recovervideo card. Prices for repairs, in case of successful maintenance, now you may not be intimidated. Although, to be honest, we will tell you that in most cases it is more reasonable to repair an expensive graphics card (for example, costing several tens of thousands of rubles) in a specialized workshop. Since in unskillful hands, and even with the use of a thermogun, the outcome is quite predictable, certainly not in the direction of auspiciousness of the attempted recovery. Well, if you decide to repair your video card yourself, good luck to you!

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