/ / USSR quality mark on products and its history

Quality mark of the USSR on goods and its history

April 20, 1967 in the USSR was introduced signquality. The purpose of its creation was to increase production efficiency and improve the characteristics of goods. The mark of product quality is regulated by GOST 1.9-67 of April 07, 1967. The right to use it was applied by all republics of the Soviet Union in all branches of the national economy. In the USSR, state commissions made certification of the quality of goods and, based on its results, made a decision on the right to use this stamp. The state mark of quality of the USSR was applied to particularly important products that have been certified and are of a mass or serial nature. It was first applied to electric motors produced at the Vladimir Ilyich Electromechanical Plant in Moscow. This event took place on April 22, 1970.

Quality Mark History

 quality mark of the USSR

Only having the title "Supplier of His CourtImperial Majesty ", the merchants had the right to supply their products to the royal court. It also made it possible to install the imperial coat of arms on the trading boards. This title was issued for a period of two years, after which it was required to undergo a repeated procedure to confirm product quality. To inherit it was impossible.

Thus, thanks to a peculiar prototype,The quality mark of the USSR appeared. In Russia, the mark of the supplier of the Court of His Imperial Majesty was placed on these types of products: marmalade, produced at the A. Abrikosov factory, confectionery produced by Adolf Sioux (after the revolution, the Bolshevik factory) and other quality-evaluated products.

Beginning in 1829, in Russia the right to placeThe royal coat of arms has undergone major changes. Only by participating in major Russian exhibitions and fairs and winning them, could one qualify for this honorable mark. Merchants and shopkeepers should have absolutely quality goods, that is, without complaints. Their experience of participation in such fairs should have been at least eight years.

At the beginning of the 20th century there were about thirty carriers of such an honorable title for a supplier.

Product Quality

Quality is a combination of product propertiesthat determine its suitability for use. For example, the quality of a car is determined by indicators of safety, reliability, manufacturability and a number of other characteristics that correspond to this type of product. In order to determine how good it is, it is necessary to conduct a series of complex and consistent measures to assess it. The solution of these issues in the Soviet Union was entrusted to the All-Union Institute engaged in scientific research in the field of standardization (VNIIS).

quality mark made in the USSR

Product quality categories

В Советском Союзе качество продукции оценивалось in three categories of quality: highest, first and second. The highest were products that met and exceeded international quality standards. The grade “first category” was assigned to products that were produced in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation. For export deliveries, their release was made in accordance with the additional requirements of exporting countries. The second category was evaluated products that have undergone obsolescence.

Graphic image of the quality mark

USSR State Quality Mark

ГОСТ 1.9-67 [1] regulated the rules for applying and building the very mark of product quality. The stamp had to be applied on the container, on the packaging, as well as on the product itself. Also, the USSR quality mark was duplicated in the documentation accompanying the goods, in labels and labels.

State Attestation Commission on the basis ofinspections and examinations decided on the right to use the mark by enterprises for different periods of time. As a rule, this period lasted from two to three years.

Картинка "Знак качества СССР" является a modified image of the five-pointed star - the heraldic symbol of the USSR. The letter K is inscribed into this figure at certain angles with strict observance of the dimension lines. It means “Quality”. The letter has a strict 90 ° rotation.

picture quality mark of the USSR

Star in the mark of quality

Some sources interpret the image of a star.quality mark as a symbol of man. Five corners - head and four limbs. And also in the image of the star of the sign, there is a connection with the ideogram and the pentagram.

The five-pointed star is known not only as onefrom heraldic signs, but also as the most ancient ideogram symbol. It can be formed by connecting the same lines at an angle of 36 ° in each of the points. If you extend the lines in the center of the star, so that they come together, you can form a pentagram. For the first time such images were used as early as 3500 BC. er Since antiquity, the pentagram is known as a talisman from evil.

The presence of a quality mark on the products allowed not to doubt both the characteristics of the product and the truth of the country of origin. What has a quality mark is made in the USSR.

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