/ / Torrent does not shake what to do?

Torrent does not shake what to do?

At first glance, the problem is when loading andcopyright has nothing to do. But it was these two concepts that became the reason for the appearance of torrent sites. In the early stages of the Internet, information retrieval and downloading were the main problems for all users. Sites appeared, but they were difficult to find. Since there were no search engines at that time, the main sources for searching were file directories. The user, when accessing such a resource, could choose a topic, find the required resource (if he is there).

Thus, the administration of such a siteregulated the observance of copyright. But the Internet began to develop actively and many new resources appeared, including search engines. The network has become a large dump with the ability to search for a variety of information. In order not to fall under the filters of supervisory organizations, torrent sites were invented. However, there are also interruptions - problems with downloading information. If you have a torrent does not swing, what should I do?

You must first imagine your workthe most torrent. The program Torrent allows you to work only with torrent files that some users create, and others download them. If you decide to upload a movie to a torrent site, you first need to know - what to do with the torrent file? It functionally resembles a label placed on the site itself. It is created in the program of the same name individually for the given file and its specified location on your computer. Therefore, before creating one, determine where the original file will be kept all the time.

Then, when you go to the torrent site, create a new onerecord and specify the path to your file created through the program. After the system checks the correctness of filling in the form and unloads your file, the torrent you create will be available for download by other users. Let's return to the situation - the torrent does not swing, what should I do? For the correct file download, you must open the downloaded torrent file with the same program. There are several such, at the moment, the most common - μ-torrent.

Therefore, in order not to setthematic forum stupid questions like "does not work torrent what to do?", make sure that you downloaded the torrent file. Very often, torrents are combined with simple file sharing. This is done so that the user himself could choose - to download torrent or other direct method? The file you need looks like "file.translator." You need him. If you download that file, but there is no result, then check the program settings.

Первое, что нужно проверить, когда у вас проблема - whether the content you are downloading is available in the download window. If the file does not exist, then you do not automatically receive the downloaded torrent file. Open the file with the place you specified when uploading, using the torrent program. If the file is working, its program will open. And then there are two possible options - the download has started and nothing happens. In the first case, you just need to wait for the end of the download and your file. In the second - look further.

Again we return to the settings and looklimitation on download speed. The lion's share of people asking the question "does not torrent torrent, what should I do?" - these are people who do not understand the settings. By default, you can have a value on the return - "without limits." It clogs your Internet channel 100% and you can not download at all. This is immediately noticeable in terms of the speed of the Internet as a whole. In this case, put the parameter "5" - so that's enough.

If everything is OK there, then look at the parameter"the number of simultaneous downloads". If you, for example, have the number 10, and there are more than ten in the download window (taking into account that your file has a position larger than the 10th), either increase this number to the desired one, or - right-click on the desired file in the download window - forced. If this did not help, then check the more cardinal parameters.

The very first thing that a torrent does not download is thatdo - check the availability of the Internet. One way is to open the program and look at the load / return rate graph at the bottom, the indications are duplicated and the individual data opposite each file in the download window. If there is a network, and there is nothing next to the desired file or an infinity icon, then it's not about the network. Immediately note that some providers separately provide a local network and the Internet. If you download from a localhost, and it does not work, then there will not be a download. The same is true for the Internet (when only locale works).

If it's all right, then, most likely,you are the most common option - no sideways. Sid - these are people who distribute the current file, pirs - downloading. You can check this on the torrent site where the torrent file is stored. Often there is indicated the number of those and those. If there are no sideways, then there will be no loading. Since the site for this purpose is only an intermediary, you download the file directly from the user's PC or from the PC of downloaded users. Also, information on the ciders and peers is duplicated in the downloads window, opposite the files in the corresponding boxes.

If there are sidies, then the last option is blockingfirewall or antivirus of the torrent program itself. To fix this problem, you need to go into the settings of the firewall or antivirus program and add the torrent to the exceptions. I note that for this operation, it is necessary to understand the relevant programs.

В заключении хотелось бы отметить момент copyrights. Surely you've heard about the closing of certain file sharing. The problem is that users place copyright files that were obtained dishonestly. Supervisory authorities monitor such files and require the administration to withdraw them. If such violations accumulate a lot - the resource is closed. Torrent sites are a temporary way out of these situations. Since the site contains only links to users' PCs (where files are stored), the administration does not bear any responsibility. I did not say "for now", since it's a matter of time.

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