/ / What should I do if I can not access the downloaded file?

What to do if access is denied to the downloaded file?

At the moment, torrent clients are hardly consideredwhether not a compulsory addition to the browser. To download small files the latter somehow learned, but when it comes to a file weighing a couple of gigabytes, there is no way to do without a torrent.

access denied
And everything would be fine if the developersone of the most common OS - Windows Vista and Seven - did not compete with access rights. Now you can easily see the harmful window with the inscription "Denied access" after downloading a huge archive. Suffer, as usual, ordinary users. Just for those who do not know what to do with this article is written.

If the solution to this problem in itscomputer everything is clear, then what to do with the file that you sent a friend? After all, the system by default stores along with the files and access rights. We will proceed from the fact that it is not an option to transfer files (for example, the problem was not detected immediately, and the original file was deleted), so we will understand the documents that have been downloaded.

First, move the downloaded file to another onefolder, or copy it there. Usually, after this procedure, the files begin to be recognized as your own, regardless of whether you created them yourself or downloaded via the torrent client. Refused access this time? Go ahead.

torrent denied access
Если нужный файл является приложением, то try running it as an administrator. The probability of a successful start, of course, is not great, but just in case it is worth checking out - will it help, and you do not need to climb into the jungle of settings? If this time you will be denied access, restart, but with the antivirus disabled (you can leave the firewall turned on).

The user's last hope ischange file permissions manually. This is done like this: right-click on the desired file and select “Properties”. Then go to the tab "Security" - there select "Advanced". In the window that opens, find your account and assign it full access rights to the file. After that, apply the new parameters and close the window. The window “Access Denied” should not be after that, since you will become the owner of this file. This method is rather long and requires a lot of unnecessary movements, but sometimes the system simply leaves no choice.

torrent denied access
Ask your friend more carefullycheck the files that will be sent to you through the torrent. Access is denied to you only because the sender has forgotten to uncheck the folder menu “Save access rights”. And do not forget to check this item yourself, so as not to send the file two times. Trifle, but so much headache, if you forget about it.

Deal with internal problems when youAccess to files that you created is denied much easier. In most cases, it will be enough to log in with administrator rights. Since there is only one account on most home computers, all conflicts with access rights go unnoticed, and when a problem occurs, the user simply does not know what to do, because everything was solved automatically before. But it is necessary to apply the methods described above, as the problem will cease to give you trouble.

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