/ / What are utilities

What are utilities?

We often come across some new for ourselvescomputer concepts, and we may be interested in the question, for example, of what utilities are. But, as you know, everything has an explanation and purpose. Utilities are specialized programs that are designed to optimize the operation and maintenance of the system, that is, they are helper programs that take on tasks that the operating system can not handle on its own. Most of these products are focused on the maintenance of the file system, as well as disks. The task of some utilities is the maintenance of data archives, but special anti-virus programs are designed to protect the computer from a variety of viruses.

Utilities for Windows arenecessary components for the work of programmers of any level, applied first. Initially, this concept was identified with small programs, which were quite simple. However, at the moment in terms of complexity and size, they can even exceed some office packages. At the same time, they can perform many more operations than before. It is worth saying that at the moment many utilities can be found on the shelves of computer stores, where they are offered as serious commercial packages presented in stores in beautiful boxes. But most of them, presented as shareware products, can be found on the open spaces of the network in free access.

So, if with what utilities are, wetried to understand, it's time to determine what they are for. They have a very diverse purpose. These helper programs take on many tasks, which were mentioned above. With the help of utilities, it is possible to encrypt personal data files by coding various degrees of complexity, and also to establish the most reliable password in order to restrict access to a certain file. This is a very important aspect, providing protection of private information from interference, theft or spoilage.

The most frequent attacks arefiles-certificates, passwords, codes, media files with a certain value, postal, licensed programs, operating system settings. System utilities take on the task of monitoring the performance of computer services, for example, a processor, video card, memory card and disk drive devices, physical and operational memory, and so on. In addition, they regularly conduct tests of peripheral and embedded devices, signaling all detected problems, and they are required to replace or improve the installed software and components, for example, a printer cartridge. Talking further about what utilities are, you can note that they restore files that were lost, inadvertently deleted. And if it is necessary, then the same programs are able to delete the file from the computer irrevocably.

There is also a kind of utilities calledtweakers, their goal is to fine-tune the settings of your operating system. They are designed to solve various tasks, for example, reorganization of the interface for some individual user requests, optimization of the entire system. Of course, the existence of "bad" utilities that can harm your computer is not ruled out. To such developments it is possible to carry worms, designers, joke programs that can give the user incorrect information about the computer's operation, and others.

So, now you must clearly understand what utilities are, and how they affect the operation of the entire computer.

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