Visual content is better perceivedusers, so marketing professionals often use graphics in social networks. People like it. Also ordinary users like to publish photos on social networks, but why do it several times, duplicating pictures in each network separately? Is not it easier to learn how to connect Instagram with Facebook? Moreover, both networks support this functionality.
Yes, nothing.These are two completely different social networks. They are very popular in the world, so many users have their accounts on both networks. Taking into account this fact, the management of the companies decided to co-operate, and now these networks have the functionality for interfacing accounts. However, they still remain separate social networks.
Before we tell you how to link"Instagram" with "Facebook", you need to understand what it will give. First of all, it saves time because of the possibility of cross-hosting. If you post photos on the Instagram network, you can immediately publish them in your Facebook. For this, the "Publish to Instagram" checkbox is used.
It also gives some other functions, but alreadyless obvious. For example, you will receive notifications that one of your friends has now appeared in Instagram. Also you will be able to log in to one social network using a pair of "login / password" from the other. This to some extent provides protection against the loss of the "Instagram" account (for example, if you forget the password).
It is assumed that you already have accounts of both networks:
That's all, we linked two accounts.Now when publishing photos in "Instagram" you can simultaneously publish them in "Facebook". Now you know how to link the "Instagram" account to the "Facebook" using the Instagram network application.
The next method, how to link "Instagram" to "Facebook", is also simple. It involves the use of the second social network. For this we do the following:
All this will take you no more than two or three minutes. Now you know how to link "Instagram" with "Facebook" and will be able to do these operations yourself.
After linking the two accounts, you will be able to savetime, because you do not have to upload photos to both social networks, just use one. Thanks to cross-posting your published photos in "Instagram" will be displayed in the tape on "Facebook". Of course, you can choose which photo to publish, and which is best left within the "Instagram". But there is no need to forget about additional protection for accounts.