/ / "Instagram": how to write in "Direct". Detailed instructions and interesting opportunities

"Instagram": how to write in "Direct". Detailed instructions and interesting opportunities

"Instagram" is a well-known social network thatcontinues to gain popularity every day. Many users loved it for its simplicity and accessibility. This application is a resource for which you can upload photos and small videos, and your friends or subscribers can view, comment and rate them. However, few know that in "Instagram" is available one more interesting function. The social network has an internal mail called "Direct". From this article you will learn about the basic functions of the "Instagram" network, how to write to "Direct" and what opportunities the service provides.

Why do users choose "Instagram"?

At the present time, users of any socialnetworks like to be photographed. Especially it concerns a fashion on селфи - a photo in a mirror or by means of the front camera. Overload multifunctional sotsseti an abundance of new photos do not want, but "Instagram" was created just for this. With the help of "Insta" you can get closer to the stars and world celebrities, because most of them also use the app and pleases fans with an abundance of posts. Recently, the function for creating stories ("snaps") - short videos or new photos available to your friends only within 24 hours - has become available. There is also a web-based version of the application, but its capabilities are somewhat limited. It also became available anonymously to keep the publications you liked, such an opportunity appeared among the latest updates of "Instagram". How to write in "Direct"? This question also caught up with users.

Instagram how to write in direct

"Instagram": how to write in "Direct"?

First of all, you need to log in to the client or register with Instagram if you have not done so before. There are several ways how to write a message in "Direct" in "Instagram".

Go to the news feed.To do this, click on the image of the house on the panel at the bottom of the screen, it is the first on the left side. Now pay attention to the panel at the top. In the right corner you can see the airplane image (checkboxes, birds), tap on it. From the bottom you will see the inscription "+ New message", by clicking on it, you can start typing the text of your letter. After that you should choose whom you want to send the message to. You can use the search. Once you start typing the name or nickname of a friend - you will already be given the choice of options. You can create groups of interlocutors. Each of them can have up to 15 people. To do this, simply mark not one user, but several at once, then your message will be sent to all selected participants. After the interlocutors are selected, enter the text in the field below, attach the image as necessary and click on the checkmark in the blue box next to the input field. If you are interested in how to write to "Direct" ("Instagram") from iPhone, then the process is no different.

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Another way to send a message to "Direct"

You can start a conversation with other users notwith the message, and with the sending of an interesting post. To do this, click on the airplane image under the selected image (the third icon after the heart and the clouds), then indicate the person with whom you want to share this post, and click "Send".

how to write a message in direct in instagram

Now you know what "Instagram" is, how to write to "Direct" and other interesting features of the application. Rejoice friends and acquaintances with interesting publications and positive messages.

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