/ / Error 126 "The specified module could not be found": how do I fix it?

Error 126 "The specified module could not be found": how do I fix it?

Many users of computer systems based onWindows is often faced with a problem when a message is issued indicating that the specified module was not found (126th error). How to interpret it, not everyone knows, and the question of whether a particular device is associated with a malfunction is often puzzling. Let's see what's what.

Causes and devices causing the error "The specified module could not be found"

The failure itself with the indicated error, in general, nothing particularly serious in terms of the consequences for the operation of operating systems, Windows does not.

can not find the specified module

This error can occur in a variety ofsituations, but, as practice shows, in most cases this can be reduced to incorrect recognition of damaged dynamic libraries, disconnected HID devices (for example, USB mice) or services interpreting correct access to server-side OS functions.

"Not found the specified module" error: a solution to the problem for Radeon graphics cards

To the great regret of the fans of graphicchipsets from the company Radeon, these video adapters are most susceptible to crashes of this kind. Even with correctly installed drivers, there may be a conflict with the use of OpenGL functions.

can not find the specified module 126

In the case where the system issues a notification that,that the specified dll module can not be found, there may be three ways to solve this problem: either update the drivers of the video card to the latest version, or install the most current versions of DirectX, or directly intervene in the system using the command line and perform several follow-up actions.

With the first two ways, I think, and so everythingunderstandable, so that they will not stop at them. But here about manual correction of a problem it is necessary to talk separately. Now explain how the following commands will work, not worth it (especially from a software or technical point of view). It's enough that they just work.

So, for graphic integrated adapters(those that are built directly into the motherboard) such as Intel HD Graphics or for similar Radeon, nVIDIA, etc. chips, you must first write CD / d C: / Windows / System32 on the command line, and then copy atio6axx.dll atiogl64 .dll (with the input key pressed after each command). For desktop (non-embedded) models, the command looks somewhat different: copy atio6axx.dll .dll (again, followed by "Enter." In theory, after that everything should work fine.

HID devices

The so-called intelligent HID devicescan also cause errors like "The specified module was not found". With them, the situation in some ways is the same as with the graphics hardware, but in most cases the problem is reduced only to the fact that for some reason the driver files have been damaged or deleted.

error not found specified module

In this situation, for example, for Windows XP,you need to boot from an installation or recovery CD (for example, a Live CD), find in the installation distribution a file called Drivers.cab, which is usually located in the i386 folder, and extract three main components from it: mouclass.sys, mouhid.sys, and hidserv. dll.

After this, you must definitely restartthe computer in safe mode (F8 key when Windows starts), then copy the specified files to the System32 directory of the Windows root folder. Next - another reboot of the OS, but already in the normal mode. As a rule, after this the system works stably in normal mode and without any failures.

Server errors

Access to servers can also occurunforeseen difficulties. In this case (similar to the previous situations), the error "The specified module could not be found" appears. It will have to be fought through the Registry Editor, which is called by the regidit command in the "Run" menu (Win + R combination).

The specified dll module was not found

Here we need to go into the branchHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEM, then - CurrentControlSet, then on the "tree" - Services, and finally - the parameters section, located in the lanmanserver branch. Here you need to enter the value of "% SystemRoot% System32srvsvc.dll", of course, if any other is specified. The thing is that the Windows OS itself perceives any - that internal, that external - the server is just like the general concept of "server" and does not make a big difference even under the condition of different access parameters.

The result

As a result, as is already clear, iferror due to the fact that for some reason the specified module was not found, it is still possible to solve the problems, and this is done quite simply, and no further critical failures are expected in the system. But first it is desirable to determine the nature of the error, and only then make a decision in favor of correcting it. How it will become depends only on the component in which the failure occurs: in software or in iron.

Of course, not all problems are described here,which can arise in connection with such errors. However, in our case, these are the most common types of failures and the most practical methods for correcting them. You can not rule out the option, when problems can be associated with the "hardware" itself, that is, the driver has nothing to do with it, but it's the hardware that will have to be changed. However, this, as they say, is the most extreme cases, which should be resorted to when nothing is already helping (and it does not depend on the user or the operating system). But that's another story ...

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