/ / Troubleshooting: "Dxgi dll was not found"

Troubleshooting: "Dxgi dll was not found"

In some cases, when starting applications, the system may give an error with the description: "Dxgi dll was not found". We'll talk about what to do in this situation and how to fix the problem.


dxgi dll was not found
Before proceeding to the solution of the problem, howfix dxgi dll error, you should understand what kind of element it is. This is a DLL file that is responsible for the DirectX component of the Windows operating system. It was created in 2009. Its exact size is 507392 bytes. In some cases, the component of interest to us may be infected with the virus Ciadoor.T.


dxgi was not found what to do
If you see before you the message "Dxgi dll is notwas found "- this is a very unpleasant failure in the system, but it can be eliminated on its own. And further we will consider the universal way that will help us in this. First of all, so that the message "Dxgi dll was not found" no longer arose, we need to install all the required libraries. Note that many of them are installed initially, but the update will not be superfluous. We pass to the first stage of the solution of the set task and install DirectX. To this end, go to the official developer site and download this software to the computer. Go to the second stage and download the set xliveredist.msi. It contains many necessary game components. Without them, different applications will not work. This is especially important if you use the operating system Windows 8. The original version of the specified platform does not contain the specified components by default. The next stage is next. Let's move on to downloading and installing all versions of the NET Framework. Then we include all the components of this software. On some operating systems, they can be activated by default. Proceed to the next step. We install components of Visual Basic languages, in particular we are interested in version 5, and also 6. It should be remembered that this software is distributed free of charge. As soon as the above actions are performed, the error "Dxgi dll was not found" should disappear. Important note: you should not try to eliminate this problem by downloading each of the lost components separately, so you can infect the computer with a virus and meet the scammers who can try to seize your funds. Use only the official resources of software developers.


How to fix dxgi dll error
Above we considered the solution of the problem,However, as already mentioned, it is related to the work of the package DirectX, so it should be told more about it. This is a set of tools designed to solve various tasks that are related to programming in a Microsoft Windows environment. Most often this software is used to create computer games. You can download the package for free from the official Microsoft website. Usually updated versions of DirectX libraries are supplied by developers on disks with various gaming applications. Most of the editions of this solution are a set of COM-compliant objects. So we figured out how to fix the "Did not find dxgi" error, what to do in this situation - you already know.

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