/ / Executable files have what type of extension? Most common

Executable files have what type of extension? Most common

Any user of a computer system, one way or another,came across the concept of an executable program file. And not always (although very often) executable files have the .exe extension, common for Windows-based systems. To understand the issue of extensions, consider the general information about such objects and some of their main types.

Differences of executable files from other objects

Before claiming that an executable program file has an extension of only one particular type, it is necessary to figure out how to distinguish such an object from others.

executable files have the extension

In fact, among the main differences of executable files from other informational data there are several basic ones:

  • the extension itself, indicating the content in the file is either machine or bytecode of the virtual machine;
  • signature (content in the form of unique byte-sequences);
  • attributes in the file system (execute, etc.).

Unfortunately, even if you know that executablesfiles have an extension of the name, for example, EXE, it’s impossible to view the contents using conventional means, since such objects have compiled content, which is displayed as a meaningless set of characters when viewed. At best, you'll have to use Disassembler tools or something else that allows you to decompile. But now is not about that.

Executable Files Structure

As for the construction of files of this type, as a rule, they contain headers (the expected execution of instructions, parameters, code formats), the instructions themselves (machine, source or byte codes).

what extension have executable files

Sometimes the structure may include descriptionsenvironments, data for debugging, OS requirements, lists of companion libraries, images, sound, graphics, shortcut icons, etc. By the way, many probably noticed that the majority of each operating system has an icon for such a file (provided that he should work at it from the start).

Principle of operation

Actually, despite the fact that executable files have an extension of a different type, they work in a similar way.

executable program file has the extension

When run, the executable file is loaded into memory.computer. At the same time, the environment is initialized and set up, additional libraries are “pulled up” if the application of such is provided for by the program, some additional operations are set up, and the instructions themselves are executed using the methods specified in the file.

What extension have executable program files?

Now we approach the question directly.extensions. It goes without saying that absolutely everything will not lead (it will take too much time). On the other hand, it is possible to note the most popular and most common.

Итак, в зависимости от типа содержимого и The extension is specified. For example, in Windows, the most common executable files have the .exe extension. This applies to all programs designed to work in the environment of these operating systems. Such objects contain machine codes. Very similar (also with the content of such codes) are BIN files.

executable files have an extension name

Another type of executable file is a batch object such as CMD, BAT, and COM, the first type being a Windows batch file, and the second and third being DOS systems.

Probably many have met both the MSI and MSU files. This can be either the native Windows installer, or the installer of system updates.

what extension have executable program files

Among other things, a separate categorymake up scripts and macros (VB, VBS, VBE, SCR, JS, JSE). Still often there are files like JAR and JAD, designed to install applications on mobile gadgets or use in the JAVA environment. All such objects in the content have not machine codes, but virtual machine codes.

What extension have executable files in different systems?

If you look closely, you will notice thatIn some systems, there are quite specific components. For example, in Windows there is a special category of executable components (PS1 - PowerShell executable file, PIF - information about applications, WSF - script file, etc.).

Вообще, в любой системе можно найти и standard, and special components. However, there are some common formats (for example, HTA - executable HTML document), which work everywhere and regardless of the "OS" used.

As for other systems, for example, in "macs" executable files have the extension APP, if they are programs, and PKG, if this is a distribution kit.

executable files have the extension

But with Linux-systems, the situation is somewhatotherwise. The fact is that in them the concept of expansion is absent as such. Recognizing the executable file is possible only by attributes (hidden, read-only, system, etc.). Thus, even the problem of changing extensions to run or read the desired file is eliminated.

However, in any system or even in mobileGadgets can find a huge number of objects of this type. No need to go far. In the same Android OS, the installer executable file has the APK extension, and in Apple devices, these are IPA files.


Here, in brief, and all that concerns extensionsexecutable files. Of course, in this case, the emphasis was mainly on objects present in Windows-based systems, while the rest were affected in passing and, so to speak, for general development. And, as is already clear, the variety of objects of the executable type is so large that it is simply not possible to provide some kind of a summary table indicating absolutely all extensions, therefore we limited ourselves to the most common formats.

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