/ / Armor of the Bear School ("The Witcher-3"): a guide to the passage, recommendations and feedback

Armor of the Bear School ("The Witcher-3"): a guide to the passage, recommendations and feedback

Despite the fact that in the game "The Witcher 3"there is a large number of the most diverse armor and weapons, it is best to collect the "set" sets of one of the schools - the Wolf, the Bear and others. All of them differ in characteristics and are suitable for players who use different tactics during the battle. Today we present to your attention a new guide - The Witcher 3: Bear's equipment.

armor of the Witcher Bear School 3


Несмотря на то что надеть сетовые предметы можно almost immediately, their receipt is associated with considerable risk. Proceeding from this, it is possible to establish a special level limit for any set of weapons. In the game "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt", the armor of the Bear's school may require the player to take some effort when receiving.

If you play at a minimum or mediumcomplexity, then you can safely go for the first items already at level 15. In this case, you will have to fight with sufficiently strong opponents 4-5 points stronger than you. At high difficulty, such vagas can make even the most experienced players sweat, so the recommended level for collecting the set is at least 20.

In total there are 7 items in the game.This is a complete set of armor (bib, pants, boots and gloves) and weapons (two swords and a crossbow). Depending on how you start to assemble the kit, you will receive items in different sequences.

Witcher 3 Armor School Bear Guide

Steel Sword

You can find it on the Skellig archipelago. To get it you do not need to perform any additional quests or conditions. Just go to the ruined village in the south of the island.

There you need to find a ruined tavern.It is inhabited by sirens of the 20th level. The easiest way to defeat them is with the help of long-range weapons. Shoot them from the crossbow, and when they land, crush the sword.

After the battle, carefully search the inn.Having found the jammed entrance to the basement, use the Aard symbol to clear the passage. There you will find a chest with a steel sword drawing, which is guarded by a small group of ghosts. Also you will get a hint about finding a silver sword from this set.

A nice bonus is that in this way you will free the village. Now you can use the services of local traders and artisans.

guide witcher 3 the witcher 3 bear outfit


The next thing you need to find -silver sword. It is hidden on the same island. You need to go to the fort Ethnir. Local monsters have level 30, so prepare in advance. The ice elemental will not cause any special problems, but gargoyles will be thrown at you with stones from afar. The chest with the sword design is located behind the door on the right side of the fort.


The crossbow, referring to the desired set,is also located on the Skellig islands. More precisely, in the southern part of the north-western island in the Siren cave. On the way to it you will encounter a Cyclops of level 21. In the cave you will find the indigenous inhabitants.

Immediately after entering, turn right and go tomost end. To your left there will be a passage leading upward. Zaprygnite it and tighten up. Do not miss the skeleton of the unlucky adventurer. You will find a coveted scheme for him.


The armor of the Bear school ("The Witcher-3") is locatedall in one place. Find out its location, you can by buying a map in Oxenfurter near the armor. In this case, it is better to first go for her, and only then for the weapons from this kit.

If you yourself look for a set, you will findyou armor in the last place. For this, swim to the northeastern island. And there you are looking for the castle of Tirschach. From the courtyard you go inside. In the room, turn left and go down the stairs, not forgetting to pull the lever.

From the cells you will be attacked by several ghosts,to deal with which will not be difficult. Go through the hall and turn left again. There will be another room with a pair of ghosts. After killing them, go to the right. Here you will find a chest in which the armor of the Bear's school lies. "Witcher-3" will immediately give you tips on finding the remaining weapons, if you have not received it yet.

Witcher 3 wild hunting armor school bear

Improved Swords

So, you collected in the game "The Witcher 3" armor schoolThe bear. The manual could be completed, but we will go further and explore ways of obtaining improved equipment. To get it, you do not need the previous set, so you can safely start collecting it from scratch.

The first card you can buy from the armourer, located in Caer Trolde. All subsequent tips can also be purchased from him.

Чтобы получить улучшенный стальной меч, плывите west of the main island of Ard Skelling. There, in the ruins of the fortress "Almhuld", you have to fight with pirates, guarding the treasured chest with a drawing.

Silver sword can be found right there, nearby.On the main island to the northeast of Fort Caer Gehlen you can find an abandoned fortress. It is inhabited by gargoyles of 21 levels. Find a chest with a drawing is not difficult.

Improved Armor

Continue our guide (The Witcher 3).The search for the bear's equipment is fraught with many dangers and difficulties, but the result will not be long in coming. The set of improved armor is designed for level 21-22, so you can go through a fairly large section of the game without changing weapons.

  • Armor. You can find it in the cave - "Grotto". You can get there by boat or by fast moving. Inside we go to the right to the stop, along the way fighting off bandits.
  • Boots. Go north from the port of Holmstein. You will stumble upon a cave in which three trolls live. After the victory, search everything around - the drawing will lie in the chest.
  • Gloves. One of the most accessible items. Exit the village of Rogni to the north. On the left side of the road there will be a tower, which is not guarded by anyone. Inside there is a chest with a drawing.
  • Pants. Swim by boat from the island of Undwig to the northeast. On a small island, guarded by nebulae, you can find the last item of the set.
    Witcher 3 workshop armor of the bear school

Excellent armor

In the game "The Witcher-3" improved armor of the school of the Bear- not the last level of development of this equipment. The next stage will be getting "excellent armor." They are designed for level 26 character and are collected in the same way as the predecessors.

All four items from a set of excellentThe armor of the bear school is stored in one place. It is on the continent north-west of the waypoint "The Tree of the Hangs". This is a cave, entering into which you must immediately turn left into the nearest impasse.

Swords are stored in different places. First of all, you need to go to the "Shelter in the Krivouhovye Marsh". From this point you can choose one of two directions.

  • To the north-west. If you go in this direction you can meetpeat collector. He will give you a task to clean up this cave. To get into it, you need to near the lair of the fogger to dispel the illusion with "Nehalen's eye". It could be obtained during one of the previous missions.
  • To the East. You just need to find the chest near the ruins of the knight's tower.

Workshop Armor

This is the last "grade" of the armor in question.Remember that getting the drawings in this case is half the battle. You will also need to find a gunsmith level master, so that he could make you the appropriate kit.

Witcher 3 Improved Bear School Armor

To find a chest containing a set of drawingsarmor, will have to try. They are stored in a tower, located far to the south of Krivoukhovye swamps. If you draw a line from the Shelter vertically down, and from the waypoint "Road to Bald Mountain" horizontally to the right, then at their intersection we get the starting "station". From it you need to go exactly to the south-east, and you will rest exactly in the desired building. So you get the best weapon in the game "The Witcher 3" - the armor of the school of the Bear. Where to find weapons?

  • To find a silver sword, exit the "To the Bald Mountain" sign and go along the coast to the west. On a small island near the shore there will be a treasured chest, guarded by ducks.
  • The steel sword is in a bear cave, in which the player was supposed to be on the assignment "Family affairs". It is located strictly in the north-west of the village of "Big Boughs".

Игра "Ведьмак-3", где броня школы Медведя играет an important role, is very difficult at the maximum complexity. So you have to collect one of the sets anyway. A set of Bear armor is obtained very easily, difficulties can be experienced with obtaining only some of them. So it will be the best choice from the presented options.

Master armor

As it was already said, in the game "The Witcher-3"the workshop armor of the Bear school will require you not only a drawing. You also need to find a suitable artisan who is capable of making such valuable ammunition.

Go to the Castle of Vronitsa. There you need to find Fergus and Ionna. They will send you back to Skilling Island to find the tools. And more specifically on a small piece of land called Undvig.

Arriving on it, you can immediately go to the caves andgo inside. Move gently to the right and soon you will come across a troll of level 26. Kill him and pick up "excellent tools" nearby. They must immediately be carried to Velen Ionne.

Now you need a special acid.You can get it after completing the quest "Griffin in the Hills". Go to the area marked on the map. After examining the place, go to the hill and fight with the griffin. After the victory, you can safely return to Ionne.

Witcher 3 how many retexts of armor school bear

Immediately after you transfer the acidblacksmith, a general will come, who will ask to check the new armor. Agree and wear armor. After that, just wait until you are shot from the crossbow. After a few days you can return, and Ionna agrees to make for you master armor on any of the drawings.


Since the armor of the Bear School ("The Witcher-3")is one of the most effective kits in the game, she immediately won a lot of fans. However, despite the good combat characteristics, many users did not like its appearance. As a result, a lot of graphic mods were created for the game "The Witcher-3". How much resteture of the Bear's school armor exists at the moment is hard to say. However, the majority of "modo-deeds" are guided by the art book, which went along with the collection edition of The Witcher.

In general, the armor of the school of the Bear ("The Witcher-3") hasa lot of different options for every taste and color, and they are installed as well as the usual add-ons. The main thing - do not forget to include them in the main menu.

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