/ / What you need for a tablet of modern man

What you need for a tablet of modern man

Today we will talk about the incredibly populartoday tablets. More precisely, about what is needed for a tablet: a modem and some software. It is not a secret that buyers who are not too versed in technology greedily "grab" any tablet offered by a consultant. They are not too worried even by the fact that half of the functions may not be necessary at all, and most of their money will go to the reward of an enterprising seller. To avoid this, you should know at least some of the nuances of their choice.

what you need for a tablet

First of all, decide in advance whatfunctions you will need. Suppose that everything you need for a tablet personally to you is the ability to watch movies and read electronic books. Need I say that in this case, choose the latest models from Apple is not worth it? If you belong to this kind of "ascetics", then you can also look at the "Chinese" of the middle price category. They will easily fulfill all their duties, and their price is tens of times lower than that of more eminent brands.

But there is one problem.The fact is that most of the inexpensive Chinese devices of this type do not have a GSM module. At first glance, there is little trouble: if necessary, you can download content from the computer. But this way you will think only until there is a need to go online from the tablet.

However, do not think that the nest forSIM-cards are worth overpaying a lot of money. You can get rid of you ordinary USB-modem. After all, it is the mobile Internet - this is what you need for a tablet of almost any user. It is only necessary to warn that before buying the tablet itself or a modem to it in advance you need to ask on the manufacturer's website or on thematic forums about their compatibility with each other. You can try almost ten modems, spend a lot of money, but the "method of typing" the model you need is not found.

do I need an antivirus for the tablet

But what is needed for the tablet yet?If you do not exclude the possibility of watching movies not only on the tablet, but also on the TV connected to it, then in advance buy the corresponding HDMI-cable. It does not hurt to stock up a capacious memory card with good speed characteristics, a protective film on the display, and also to worry about protecting your personal data on the tablet from viruses. Yes, anticipating your question about whether you need an antivirus for a tablet, I will say that the experts respond purely positively.

Especially it concerns tablets under controlmobile OS "Android". Under her written so many malicious applications that even those users who can not stand "Winds", remember about it with emotion.

the necessary programs for the android tablet

In addition, the necessary programs for the android-tablet- a set of utilities for reading electronic books of various formats, quality applications for watching movies and listening to music, as well as games. Considering how many different 3D games in the last year came out for tablets, there's no doubt that you'll probably find the ideal variant for yourself.

Good luck shopping with you! Following our advice, you will surely pick up a tablet that is perfectly suitable for your purposes.

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