/ / What is port 443 and how to open it?

What is port 443 and how to open it?

As a rule, the existence of such a concept asclosed port, people do not find out under the most pleasant circumstances. Most often this happens in the case when any computer program refuses to work properly. The message about the need to open the 443 port can appear in the window of the program itself. Also it can be found on the forum devoted to this problem. In any case, we suggest that you go a little deeper into this topic and, accordingly, understand what port 443 is, how to open it and whether it should be done.

What kind of "ports" are these?

The fact that each computer has its ownIP-address in the network, hardly today is something little-known. At the same time, almost nothing is known about the so-called "ports" to most users.

So, to understand the essence of the term "port", it is worthimagine a long building with a huge number of doors. To make the reality more consistent, the number of these doors should be equal to 65,536, with each door must have its own serial number, starting from zero. In this case, a large building is your computer, located in the network, and ports - these same doors.

Port 443

Why do you need so many ports?

Most of them do not carry in themselves anything specialand is used for different purposes. For example, when you download a file or watch movies online, your computer establishes a connection between any of its free ports and the server port from which you receive the information. Once the data transfer is complete, the port is released.

At the same time, some (including port 443)have quite clear purposes. For example, 99.99% of sites are viewed through port number 80. That is, when you want to go to "Odnoklassniki", for example, your computer "knocks" at door number 80 of the server "Odnoklassnikov" and asks to give him a page.

What is port 443?

As you might guess, our port also hasa special purpose, otherwise why would you dedicate an entire article to it? However, we have already mentioned its purpose - this port is also used more often for browsing sites, however, while its 80th colleague gives out information as is, 443 port pre-encrypts it so that on a long way from the server to your computer no one could not intercept the page and even more so to make changes to it.

Did they previously resort to the services of this port?that Internet banking systems that do not want to disclose information about money transactions, at the same time today the same "Classmates" or "VKontakte" use a "safe" port in the most ordinary cases, for example, when you view your messages or "like" others a photo.

Why can the port be closed?

So, why can port 443 be closed? There are several possible reasons for this:

  • Access to it is blocked by the firewall program (or firewall);
  • The port can be blocked by the administrator of your network;
  • The port may not be "registered" on the router.

Claiming that port 443 is closed, you can havemind a few things: First, it can mean that the program on your computer can not access the server port, and secondly, the computer from the outside can not access your computer's port. Each of these cases, as well as the reasons for its occurrence, require rather detailed consideration, so do not expect detailed instructions from us. Nevertheless, we can tell you where to "dig".

How do I open a port in a firewall?

Let's start with a simple firewall program.This application is available on every modern computer and is used to ensure that programs do not "break" anywhere. Despite the fact that 443 port is rarely included in the blocked list, it makes sense to add it to the number of allowed ones. Let's look at how this can be done with the example of Windows 7/8 / 8.1.

how to open ports 443

To open port 443, you need to do the following:

  1. Open the control panel. The universal way to do this is to press the Win + R keys, enter the word control in the appeared window and click "OK";
  2. Make sure that the "Large icons" display mode is enabled in the upper right corner (see the figure above), then click on "Windows Firewall";
  3. Now you have several scenarios for further action: either you disable the firewall completely, or give full access to your program.

On your screen you should see a window similar to this:

443 port

To disable the firewall, click on the item"Enable or disable the Windows Firewall." It is on the left, in the middle of the list. Next, put all the switches in the positions that are circled in the following figure, then click the "OK" button. After the problem is solved, we would recommend returning everything to its original position. After all, if you leave the firewall disabled, there is a certain risk that a different "muck" falling on your computer will be able to report this to your creator and begin to use actions that are of little use to you.

open port 443

To add a specific program to the listallowed and allow it access to port 443, as well as any others, select the item that is circled in red in the picture above. In the list that appears, it is worthwhile to find an application that does not want to work properly, after which you can tick all fields in front of it. So you give the operating system an opportunity to understand that this program can "communicate" with both your home devices and with the whole world. Ends our "operation" with an elegant click on the "OK" button and closing all now unnecessary windows.

port 443 is closed

What should I do if the port is closed by the administrator?

How to open ports 443, 80, 21, etc.if they were blocked by the system administrator? This question is most often concerned with office workers who can not take advantage of the usual program in the workplace. In this case there are only two options for solving the problem: if the program is needed for work, you can refer to the management or to the administrator personally, so that he provides you with an opportunity to work fruitfully, if the program is necessary for entertainment, then you just have to accept or look for approaches to a bearded uncle in a sweater. Hint: admins eat and drink, however strange it may sound.

How to open the port on the router?

If you decide to create in your homea small web server or a mail server, then when you ask how to open ports 443, 80, 110, 25 and others, you should refer to the instruction manual of your router. Unfortunately, there is no single answer to this question, since the solution to this problem depends on the equipment manufacturer, the device control panel and many other factors.

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