/ / FTPS Port - what is it?

FTPS port - what is it?

Many of us are computer users,and in particular the Internet. Even now, reading this article, you use Internet services, which include many protocols, among which there are security protocols that protect users from the actions of intruders. In this article we will try to tell you what the FTPS port is, and how it affects our security.

What is FTPS for?

ftps port

The standard FTP protocol isthe structure of file transfer without any encryption, which is fraught with all possible data theft when transporting them from the server to the server and to the computer. Before the appearance of FTPS hackers very often used this feature for their own purposes. Here you can refer to the fact that the concept of "hacker" appeared not so long ago, as well as the Internet itself, and many did not even think that seemingly secure protocols are quite easily manageable.

After the discovery of this vulnerability by manyusers, this was given publicity, after which in 1996 it was decided to replace the method of FTP transfer, namely, the complexity of its hacking. The solution was that first the data will be encrypted via the TLS or SSL protocol, after which it will only be transferred to the hands of FTP. The merging of these methods spawned a new protocol called FTPS (File Transfer Protocol + SSL).

The STL protocol itself works in such a way thatwhen received after processing it is almost impossible to decipher without having a special key, which is the decoder of the message. Thus, the standard FTP protocol has acquired a personal encryptor, capable of many times secure conventional data transmission both at the level of ordinary users, and at the corporate level.

How to transfer the server to the FTPS port

As you know, FTP is a protocol fortransfer of information in the form of files that use the principle of "client-server". A server using FTP is a kind of storage where files are stored using the Internet. The server itself is the same (almost) personal computer, which has more than several times the disk space and RAM.

As the operating system on the servereven a simple Windows 7 can be installed, but it will not reveal its full potential, that's why they use the latest versions of Windows Server. They are simplified in appearance and do not support games, but they are still operating systems.

Service Filezilla provides an opportunityconnect FTPS to your server. You just need to go to the official site and download the program, after which you can start it and go to the TLS / SSL settings, where you will need to create a new security certificate. This is done simply and without much effort - just fill in the required fields. It is worth noting that this port is more secure than the FTP server port.

port ftp server

How the port works

Terms and explanations are not enough to understand the whole concept of how data from the server is encrypted, and then sent to another server. The following algorithm explains how the FTPS port works:

  1. A special CSR request is sent, which indicates that the client is requesting the encryption of certain data.
  2. The server, having received the request, makes an encryption plan (the algorithm, to be more precise). The client-server receives an SSL certificate, as well as a key, so that the user can decrypt the data.
  3. Upon receipt, the client reads the certificate, namely the information it contains, and then reconciles this certificate with what is located on the server.
  4. If the certificates do not match the friend,an error code is sent indicating the reason for the inconsistency. If the certificates are the same, a special session key is generated, and later it is sent to the server, where the latter, using this key, encrypts all files that are transferred between the client and the server.

port for ftp

This encryption principle provides maximum data security.


Use secure connections of the type"Client-server" ensures maximum safety of your data, this is exactly the protocol FTPS. We hope that you now understand what the FTPS port is and how it differs from the usual FTP.

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