/ / Think how to restore Skype on a laptop

We think how to restore Skype on a laptop

Today, we will talk with you about howRecover Skype on a laptop or computer. There are several possible options. So we'll look at everything in order. Let's start, perhaps, with the most simple.

No software

Well, the first option, which is quite oftenmeets, is the absence of the program on your computer. Girls very often write posts: "deleted" Skype ", how to restore it?" Let's help them figure it out.

how to recover skype on laptop

There is nothing complicated in the answer.All you need is a browser and an internet connection. If you sat down at the computer and noticed that you do not have Skype, then you just need to install it. Go to the official page of the program and download the version you need. After that go through the installation process. That's all - now you know how to restore Skype on a laptop or computer.


However, there are also such absurd cases whenthe user himself does not know what he is asking. In particular, we are talking about very young girls who did not see the computer in their eyes. They are quite often interested in how to restore Skype on a laptop, if they do not see it when they start. But friends and advanced acquaintances, after looking at the questions of such people, start laughing. Why?

The thing is that quite often after deletingprogram is nothing more than a trivial "erasing" of the shortcut from the desktop. So, for example, some parents in the recent past thought that by removing the label, you can remove the "prog" (game). Check, maybe the problem is in this.

To do this, go to the "Start" menu and look for the folderSkype. Did not find it? Then go to the "Control Panel". There, select "Add or Remove Programs." A list of all the content that you have on your computer appears. Have you found Skype? Look where it's installed. Now right click on the start button, select "Send" - "Desktop (create shortcut)". That's all. Now you know how to restore Skype on your laptop or computer.

restore skype by login

Forgot password

Well, another option that all users may face is forgetfulness. You do not remember the password. Just forgot it. Then you need to restore Skype by login. But how to do that?

First, run the program.You will see a window in which you will enter your user name and password. Try to enter the account (especially if before the first attempts and failures you firmly believed that you remember your password). Did not sign in? Then look at the screen and find the inscription "Can not enter?" Click on it.

Now in front of you pops a little window, in whichyou will need to enter the email address of the mail to which your account was registered. Got it? Click on "Send". Now wait for the letters from the technical support. Click on the link in the email, after copying the security code from there. Enter it in the appropriate field. Now click "Reset Password". Invent and type a new one. Confirm your actions. Now you know how to restore the old Skype. But this is not all the options for the development of events.

 removed skype how to restore

If you do not remember the login

Do you think how to restore Skype on a laptop,if you do not remember your login name? Do not panic. It is very easy to cope with an impending problem. It is very often encountered by those who have an automatic login to the system. So let's try to deal with you in this difficult matter.

First, try running the program.When you have an authorization window, find the inscription: "Can not enter?" You will be transferred to the page, where all our further actions will take place.

You will be asked to enter your email address,to which the account was registered. It's great, we enter it and go into "soap". We must wait for a letter from the technical support. As a rule, the maximum of waiting is 3 hours. Got a letter? Now you need to follow the link specified in it. But before that, copy the special verification code. Enter it on the opened page.

Forgot your username?Then see what jumps out after confirming the code. You will have all the Skype data associated with your mail. Simply click on the username and click "Login". Write down the login and try to remember it. Now you know how to restore Skype on your laptop if you forget your username.

how to restore old skype

Not on the list

However, sometimes it can turn out so that your account simply disappears from the list of entered logins. What to do then? How can I restore it? And can this be done?

In order to answer this question,a bit of climbing through the folders of the computer. Call the command line (by pressing Win + R), then enter% Application data% into it. Now find the Skype folder. Go into it and see if there is a daddy with your username. No - then close the window and follow the "Trash". Found her? Then just right click on the folder and select "Restore". Now look what happened - the login was returned to the list.

But what if the folder is deleted? Then just log in to Skype once. Your login will be saved. Now you know how to restore Skype on your laptop in all ways.

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