/ / AMD A8 - 5500 processor. The ideal solution for budget computers

AMD A8 - 5500 processor. The ideal solution for budget computers

For a long time by the standards of the computer industry debuted CPU model AMD A8 - 5500 - in 2012. This chip combines reasonable technical parameters and affordable cost. This product will be further discussed.

amd a8 5500


Main use AMD A8 - 5500 - this is the most budget computing systems,among which you can safely include multimedia stations, accounting PCs and office computers. When assembling such computers to the fore the cost, which should be as low as possible. But performance does not play such an important role. This is the combination of the main characteristics of the processor in question.

Main settings

This chip belongs to the Trinity CPU generation and was manufactured according to technological tolerances of 32 nm. AMD A8 processor - 5500 equipped with four computing clusters.But the layout is very unusual. The number of integer blocks in this case is really 4, but the floating-point number processing blocks are 2. The latter circumstance significantly reduces the performance of the PC. The reference clock frequency of this microprocessor solution is 3.2 GHz. But also in the parameters of the CPU indicated support technology TurboCore. As a result, in the mode of operation, the microprocessor in question is able to automatically increase the frequency depending on the level of complexity of the executable code. At the same time its greatest value can reach 3.7 GHz. On a semiconductor substrate of this CPU deposited 1303 million transistors, and the area of ​​the base is 246 mm2. Its heat pack is installed by developers at 65W, and the maximum temperature is 71 0C. Separately, it should be noted that such a CPU can be installed into both the FM2 socket and the FM2 + processor socket.

processor amd a8 5500

Cache RAM system

Only 2 levels of fast memory can be found on a silicon crystal. AMD A8 - 5500. Specifications the first of these indicate a total volume of 192kb At the same time, only 64 kb is provided for storing instructions, and 128 kb for data. The second level of the cache is increased to 4 MB. But the third, as already noted earlier - no. The microcontroller RAM is part of the chipset. It can operate in dual channel mode and is capable of addressing up to 32 GB of memory (4 modules of 8 Gb each). The specifications feature support for DDR3 with frequencies up to 1866 MHz.

Video core

AMD A8 - 5500 contains an integrated graphics accelerator.His model is AMD Radeon HD 7560D. It can address a video buffer no more than 2 GB. And for these purposes, part of the RAM is used. The graphic accelerator itself is equipped with 256 executive processors that operate at 760 MHz. To implement most of the tasks of such characteristics is enough.

amd a8 5500 Specifications

Conclusion CPU cost. Opinion of the owners

At this moment AMD A8 - 5500 can still be purchased at a price of 4000 rubles withstocks. The CPU itself has long been discontinued. The ideal value for money and speed this device boasts. This chip is really ideal for creating entry-level PCs. Of course, against the background of modern analogs, this solution looks quite modest, but all its possible disadvantages are offset by the minimum cost.

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