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What to do on the Internet?

What to do on the Internet in your spare time?It is very difficult to answer unequivocally. In fact, this is a question that (if considered in detail) can contain almost unlimited number of answers.

It's probably easier to answer the question about what you can not do on the Internet. All the same, let's try. If you do not know what to do in your spare time, the Network is just the place that you need.

If we try to break down the types of Internet activities according to certain characteristics, there are several types that you might come up with:

  1. Entertainment and creativity.
  2. Study.
  3. Earnings.
  4. Communication.
  5. Search and information gathering.


There is not enough and a few pages to describe the corresponding potential of the World Wide Web. What to do on the Internet for entertainment:

  • Video, which is laid out on the web, you can watchyears, without a break for sleep or dinner. And still there will be a whole ocean of content that we did not have time to reconsider. This is not counting those new movies and videos that will appear in the process. For movie lovers, you can watch exactly what you want, in excellent quality, at any time of the day or night, and (with a certain skill) completely free. You can sketch out about a dozen popular services, where you can watch everything you want online.
  • Music is another limitless resource,which resembles a bottomless ocean. Virtually all imaginable and unimaginable directions and styles, hundreds of thousands of online radio stations, millions of sites on which you can find, listen or download everything: from the music of the Incas to the songs of modern Martians. Each of the billion-strong army of users can display their musical masterpiece on the web and wake up the next day with a celebrity of a planetary scale.
  • Photography is a way to tell about yourself, yourthe world, hobbies and passions. With the help of photography, a modern person can tell the whole world about his vision of life and attach millions of such beauty connoisseurs to beautiful things.
  • Online games - for some users theybecame a full replacement of reality. Good or bad, we will not evaluate. However, it should be noted that there is an opportunity for fans of all conceivable games to play on the web, participate in tournaments, find like-minded friends and improve their skills without departing from a computer monitor.


  • Distance learning has virtually erased the boundariesfor students. There is no particular need to go for the blue sea in the thirtieth kingdom for admission to the university. This can be done directly from home, and the further - the more opportunities for getting a full-fledged education from students who are really looking for opportunities.
  • All kinds of courses (language, profession, cooking andetc.) - both paid and free become an integral part of the life of modern man. Videoconferences, webinars, training videos, master classes and books - all this makes it possible to raise your educational level to an unthinkable height.


  • Internet auctions.It's a way to sell "anything" or buy "anything." It does not matter where you live, how old you are, what color your hair or eyes are. The presence of the Internet and a plastic payment card opens access to a world where you can buy or sell everything: from a small pin to a supermodern supersonic fighter.
  • Online store. This is a popular type of business, which allows business people to minimize the cost of maintaining the store.
  • Freelance is an option where you can (independing on the availability of talent and qualifications) to realize their potential and at the same time earn money. Journalists, programmers, designers, teachers and many other specialists can find customers who need their knowledge of skills.
  • Charlatans and rascals of all stripes.The Internet is a paradise for such a public. And, using their criminal talents, they successfully rob the trusting simpletons. What to do on the Internet? Take care of your money and be careful when choosing friends.


  • Social networks.
  • Programs for communication.
  • Dating websites.

Anyone can become a superhero or worldcelebrity, find your soul mate or information about the life of movie stars, become a friend and correspond with the president of the United States or promote the idea of ​​preserving an endangered species of seaweed. All this can be realized with the help of the Internet, and this is what you can do in your spare time.

Search and information gathering.Everything you type can be used by other people. Intentions can be either good or not. You can collect information about others, others can collect information about you. Keep this in mind when working on the web. Special services, scammers, friends or ill-wishers - they have something to do on the Internet, they can all become a part of your life, even if you do not really want it.

This is, of course, an incomplete list, it can besupplement or challenge. But we do not claim the truth in the last resort. The task was: to answer the question about what to do in your free time. The freedom of your choice can be considered the only restriction in this matter.

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