/ / How to invoke the command line in Windows 10 in several simple ways

How to invoke the command line in Windows 10 in several simple ways

If anyone knows, the command line in any OSWindows is quite a powerful and versatile tool for performing a variety of operations related to setting up the system, testing its performance, changing the configuration, formatting disks and partitions and much more. Now it will be considered how to open the command line in Windows 10. And we will start with this ...

How to call the command line in Windows 10 in the classic way?

Although the "ten" has undergone some changescompared with the same “seven” or “eight”, some basic principles still remain the same. Let's make a reservation right away: do not confuse the command line with the “Run” menu, which is solely responsible for starting programs and components of the system, although in some way it is very similar to the item you are looking for.

how to call the command line in windows 10

If we consider how to callThe command line in Windows 10, in the usual way, can use the classic option, so to speak, because in the newly appeared Start menu there is a link to the call of this element. In the main menu itself, you should first refer to the section of all applications (the field below), then use the menu of standard programs. It is there that there is an element with the designation "Command line".

Start menu search

You can do even easier. After clicking on the "Start" button in the search engine, you can enter the search query.

how to open the command line in windows 10

After an item is found, the launch of this component will be completely and completely identical to how it was found in the utility section.

Using the Run menu

Само собой разумеется, вопрос о том, как вызвать The command line in Windows 10 can also be solved using the well-known “Run” menu, which is located in the main menu (again, in the service applications section).

command prompt on behalf of the windows 10 administrator

After calling it in the field you need to enter the cmd command, however, as in any other version of "Windows".

How to open a command prompt in Windows 10: shortcut keys for all occasions

Now let's see whether it is worth spending so much time on long and sometimes completely unnecessary operations, if you can perform all these actions much easier by using shortcut keys.

For example, the call to the Run menu, in which the cmd command will be entered later, is made using the Win + R shortcut key combination.

update windows 10 command line

No less interesting way isuse of the right click on the “Start” button (a similar combination is Win + X). This is a new menu with basic elements. However, it is interesting in that it has two links to the object you are looking for: a normal command line and a command line on behalf of the Windows 10 Administrator. In some cases, especially when changing critical system configuration parameters, this launch is more preferable, since another user may do not have permission to change these settings. For example, updating Windows 10 command line with permissions at the Admin level allows you to perform in a matter of minutes without using the same “Control Panel”.

With regard to calling this component through a search, as described above, the Win + Q combination can be used as the main keyboard shortcut to call a search engine.

Command line call from file

But only such solutions problem ascall command prompt in windows 10 is not limited. As well as in any other modification of the "operating systems" of this family, you can refer directly to the executable file that is responsible for this action. The method, of course, is far from the most convenient and almost never used, but one cannot bypass it either.

how to call the command line in windows 10

The cmd file itself.exe is located in the System32 folder of the Windows root directory. However, there are also nuances here. First of all, you should consider the type of launch. If you use the classic double-click, the command line will start at the local user level. In the case when an administrative launch is required, you will have to use the right click with the context menu, where you should select the file launch line on behalf of the Admin.


As can be seen from the foregoing, the question is,how to call the command line in Windows 10 is solved quite simply. In this case, of course, at will, each user can choose for himself, from his point of view, the most convenient way. However, not all of these options are good in each specific situation. Most of all this concerns the launch of the desired item with administrator rights. Very often, many people forget about this, and then they can’t understand why this or that team doesn’t work normally.

Nevertheless, of all the proposed methodsWindows system configuration experts and experts recommend using either a right click on the “Start” button (Win + X) and choosing a start there with Administrator rights, or running the cmd command in the “Run” menu, after having checked the box that indicates administrator rights.

Напоследок стоит сказать, что, если на локальном the “super-administrator” account is disabled on the computer, the actions for launching at the Admin level will be performed automatically (of course, provided that the user currently uses the appropriate “account” to log in and work in the system).

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